Porifera Sami Mori & Emma Turin
What is a Porifera? Sponge Asymmetrical Sessile fixed in one place, immobile http://tolweb.org/treehouses/?treehouse_id=4291
Nervous System Nervous system absent Only multicellular animal without nervous system Touch or pressure to outside causes a contraction https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/invert.html
Digestive System Filter Feeding Drawn in through ostia Flow out through osculum Rely on water for food and oxygen http://www.mesa.edu.au/porifera/porifera01.asp
Filter Feeding Video 5:26
Excretory System Diffusion Absorb oxygen from water Ammonia & CO2 diffuse Go to surrounding water http://apbioexcretory.weebly.com/porifera.html
Circulatory System Diffusion Water based No blood Water passes through cells https://thecircleofblood.weebly.com/porifera.html
Respiratory System Diffusion Take oxygen from water Use as nutrients http://therespiratoryexperience.weebly.com/porifera.html
Support/Skeletal System Absent Spicules provide structural support deter predators http://skeletalphylum.weebly.com/porifera.html
Reproductive System Sexual both male & female sperm released travels to female Asexual gemmules internal buds reproduce mass of cells http://tolweb.org/treehouses/?treehouse_id=3431
Three Main Classes Hexactinellida have 4 or 6 pointed siliceous spicules glass sponges cannot contract found in Antarctic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexactinellid
Three Main Classes Demospongiae most diverse class 90% of all species silica & spongin fibers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demosponge
Three Main Classes Calcarea spicules made of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite or aragonite found in tropics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcareous_sponge
Other Facts Porifera latin for bearing pores 99% live in marine water Some in fresh water http://www.dictionary.com/browse/porifera http://tolweb.org/treehouses/?treehouse_id=3431
Definitions Spicule structural element in most sponges provide support deter predators CaCO2 spikes used for support https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spicule
Definitions Collar Cell sticky funnel shaped collar hairlike whip (flagellum) engulfs & collects food http://www.oceanicresearch.org/education/wonders/sponges.html
Definitions Amebocyte mobile cell in body of invertebrates defense against pathogens resemble ameobes carry nutrients https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amebocyte
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