Foundation Innove Estonia Pilot Country Update Foundation Innove Estonia
General Context
Model of implementation Two subjects: English and Geography At least 2 Learning cycles in both subjects 8th grade students Interdisciplinary topics 24 experimental class Teachers, 41 both classes Teachers, 4 control class Teachers Mahara Two groups of Teachers on Mahara Webinars for Teachers
Learning designs
Students’ works
Students’ works
Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium Case Studies Case Study A Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium Case Study B Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium 2 teachers 22 project students 2 learning cycles in both subjects: English and Geography 14 lessons observes Both Teachers participated in the case study 2 teachers 25 project students Only English lessons observed: 5 lessons Teachers were reluctant to participate
Observations Information Literacy and Collaboration - Teachers were glad to see how many additional skills students acquired in the process - skills that usually are not in the focus at their everyday teaching. Autonomous Learning was most difficult to implement in teaching as teachers nor students were used to it Teachers were satisfied with the implementation of the model. Case Study teacher expressed the wish that ePortfolios would be used in all subjects. She would use them in the future. Another case Study teacher on the other hand is doubtful if students would ever turn back to their ePortfolios to see what they have learned. In the future, she would rather not use ePortfolios. Students of both cases pointed out that this kind of learning was new to them and they liked it a lot. They felt much more responsible for their own learning and especially enjoyed collaboration and communication with other students.
Testing and questionnaire numbers Student pre-test – 915 students Student post-test – 804 students Student questionnaire – 782 students Teacher pre-questionnaire – 56 teachers Teacher post-questionnaire – 38 teachers
Positive experiences Challenges, solutions Tight timeline Budget problems Motivating the Teachers – Final Conference? The results – What? When? How? Thanking the participating schools Feedback on implementation from Teachers: article on experiences -meetod-ja-digikeskkond- pakkusid-voimalust-avastada-ja- oppida/ Case Study interviews feedback