Friday!! BELL Work (2 min.) Set up today’s pages (34-35) CAREFULLY get your laptop from the cart to start today’s bellwork. Go to Mr. Lawton’s site. Click on “EOC exam review” on the left and find today’s activity. Be ready for additional instructions when you hear the timer.
Objectives & Learning Goals: Meteorologists/ Astronomers CAN: Investigate weather patterns such as the jet stream, ocean currents, and weather fronts using a webquest. Review important concepts for EOC exam using the interactive website. Level 4 I can evaluate how weather models use current atmospheric conditions to predict the weather and analyze climate data to take a stance on the possibility of climate change. Level 3 I can describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather AND clearly differentiate between weather and climate. Level 2 I can describe how ocean currents and winds move around the Earth, list factors that influence weather formation, and summarize examples of weather and climate data. Level 1 With help I can explain some factors that influence weather and the difference between weather and climate.
Under your IN - “EOC Review”
Quick Check – yesterday’s webquest notes land rise cooler sea motion Uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the Sun. night cools faster water cooler direct warm climate rises moves in river of air air masses equator continuously winds west cold warm
The ocean acts as like a “massive heat retaining solar panel The ocean acts as like a “massive heat retaining solar panel.” Therefore it’s currents can regulate the weather and climate of cities those currents flow close to.
Today’s tasks Complete the “EOC exam review using the interactive website. Work on Weather webquest DAY 2 and attach to your THROUGH (P. 35 ) for today.
Please put your laptop away When I call your row and Complete the OUT question below. OUT – bottom of page 34 Practice question - Write your answer using complete sentences. Describe how an ocean current is formed starting with radiation from the Sun.
Level 4 I can evaluate how weather models use current atmospheric conditions to predict the weather and analyze climate data to take a stance on the possibility of climate change.
Level 3 I can describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather AND clearly differentiate between weather and climate.
Level 2 I can describe how ocean currents and winds move around the Earth, list factors that influence weather formation, and summarize examples of weather and climate data.
Level 1 With help I can explain some factors that influence weather and the difference between weather and climate.
Deadly space weather - Venus