NHS e-Referral Service 2 Week Wait Referrals Patient and User Journey: The Vision …….
Patient sees GP Margaret, a 40 year old barrister, has found a breast lump. She looks online for further information, and then decides to visit her GP. 1 2 Week Wait Referrals
GP refers patient Dr Evans examines Margaret and explains that she needs to see a specialist. Dr Evans decides to refer Margaret urgently as a ’2 Week Wait’ (2WW) in order to ‘exclude anything nasty’. 2 2 Week Wait Referrals
3 Patient chooses provider and appointment Margaret is very busy with work and is concerned that she might not be able to attend an appointment within 2 weeks. Dr Evans logs onto the NHS e-Referral Service and enters ‘breast lump’. They see that there are several hospitals with appropriate services and appointments available, so Margaret is able to choose one at a time and place which fits in with her work commitments within the next 2 weeks. They book that appointment and Margaret chooses to receive her appointment details electronically onto her smartphone. 3 2 Week Wait Referrals
4 GP completes 2WW breast referral template Later that morning, Dr Evans completes the 2WW breast referral template in the NHS e-Referral Service for the specialist to review the clinical details. 4 2 Week Wait Referrals
How can YOU get involved? Take part in the consultation at: www.hscic.gov.uk/ers Contact us on email: nhs.ers@hscic.gov.uk NHS e-Referral Service vision – making paperless referrals a reality