Sasol and its Safety Relationship with Contractors and the Unions Portfolio Committee Meeting on Labour
Contents Sasol and Skills Development Sasol Assistance During Safety Incidents Union Participation in Safety and During Safety Incidents
Sasol and Skills Development Sasol spends approximately R137 million annually in South Africa on training. We have trained 1000 contractor artisans for the shutdown market over the past four years. Sasol is also involved in training an additional 1000 skilled artisans for the shutdown market since Sept 2004. (CHIETA funded) The average age of artisans, foremen and production employees is 43 with an average service length of 13 years.
Training of Contractor Labour Safety training includes: A six hour generic safety induction training course Additional plant specific training (up to 3 days) Valid for one year only Governed via the Sasol permit system. Safety training same for all persons working on premises. Sasol continuously provides skills competency training for contractors prior to shutdowns.
Sasol Assistance During Safety Incidents All Sasol employees have death and disability benefits funded by Sasol. Voluntary benefit fund to cover funeral costs. Contractors and hired labour are covered by the workmen’s compensation system. Sasol requires contractors to have indemnity and liability insurance. All people involved in an accident are initially treated the same. Sasol provides additional support during serious incidents.
Sasol Assistance During Safety Incidents Natref Incident: Family members contacted and informed about the incident with regular contact thereafter. Professional trauma counselling provided. Hospital visits and family members support. A memorial service held. Secunda Incident (Unit 24): Trauma counselling provided (employee assistance programme). Hospital and families visits. Monetary assistance to families. Sasol Synfuels and Polymers’ MDs and senior personnel attended the funerals.
Employee Assistance Programme All Sasol employees and their households have free access to the programme. This is available at employee’s place of residence. The services provide are free and are paid for by Sasol. The service is private, confidential, accessible 24/7, multilingual and provides professional counselling and support. During critical incidents, services include: Debriefing after 24 hours Following up individual cases and family counselling Group debriefing Ongoing monitoring
Union Participation in Safety and During Safety Incidents Safety representatives are elected by workers. Shop stewards are linked into the safety system. Secunda (Unit 24): Union assistance at scene No immediate access to the scene SHERQ has set up an additional safety forum to improve communication with unions. Natref Incident: Local and regional union representatives informed & involved Access to the scene Active members of incident investigation Status reports to union structures
Focus areas Sasol Corporate Social Investment Ethos …seeks to promote a people centred, needs driven and sustainable approach to the development of communities and individuals… Focus areas Education Health & Welfare Environment Job Creation Capacity building Arts, Culture Sports Development Crime Prevention Funding Criteria Need Scope Sustainability Community support & participation Stakeholder support Capacity to administer/ manage project
Per focus area CSI BUDGET – 2003/2004 South Africa Sasol Limited R11 010 000 Secunda R10 818 073 Sasol Oil R 9 726 460 Natural Gas - RSA R 7 665 346 Infrachem R 7 228 462 Sasol Polymers R 1 817 750 Sasol Gas/ Rompco R 1 817 500 Natref R 1 396 034 Sasol Nitro R 500 000 Tosas R 338 700 Exel R 217 939 International Natural Gas – Moz R25 963 520 Baltimore R 105 600 Austin R 140 800 Lake Charles R 505 120 Germany R 89 646 Total R79 400 700 Bursaries R17 000 000 Total R96 400 700 Per focus area Education R27 799 778 Health and Welfare R12 662 590 Environment R 3 693 430 Job Creation/ R15 805 604 Capacity Building Arts & Culture R11 504 218 Crime Prevention R 7 935 050 & Others TOTAL R79 400 700 Bursaries R17 000 000 GRAND TOTAL R96 400 700