SULU-SULAWESI SEASCAPE PROJECT Updates 2016 CTI-CFF Senior Officials Meeting 31 October 2016 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Content Introduction Project management Regional highlights Status update Contacts
The Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project Outcome The countries of the Sulu-Sulawesi-Seascape, a priority seascape under the CTI, implement their actions within the framework of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) in a coordinated manner, with a special focus on Marine Protected Areas (MPA), Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) and Climate Change Adaptation Planning.
History of the project Title Support to the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action of the CTI-CFF in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape countries Project Duration Total Budget €7.000.000,-- Partners CTI CFF MMAF, MOSTI, DoF Sabah, Sabah Parks, DENR BMB, DA BFAR INGO Partners Conservation International 2012 2018
Implementation teams GIZ CI Indonesia Malaysia Philippines DoF Sabah DENR BFAR Indonesia MMAF- EAFM MMAF-MPA Malaysia Sabah-Parks DoF Sabah Implementation teams GIZ CI
Project sites: Indonesia Tarakan Berau Malaysia Tun Mustapha Park Kudat Tawau Sandakan Mantanani Philippines El Nido Tubbataha Balabac Turtle Islands
Project Management Updates Supported and participated in several regional Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape and CTI-CFF meetings and processes MOU signed between GIZ and CTI, March 2016 Change offer accepted (extension to June 2018) Review and updating of regional and country work plans regularly Finalizing contract for CTI CFF RS advisor
Regional Highlights Planning workshops in Indonesia and Malaysia and Regional Sea Turtle Research in the Philippines and Malaysia with Marine Research Foundation –Sabah Ocean Governance Paper launched at CTI-CFF MPA Regional Exchange Poster presentation to IUCN/World Conservation Congress in September 2016 in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and PEMSEA Philippines and Malaysia participation in the Seminar on integration of marine biodiversity and fisheries (Vilm, Germany, July 2016) CTI-CFF Marine Protected Areas Regional Exchange (Dumaguete, Negros Oriental)
Research and dissimination of results
The Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project Outcome The countries of the Sulu-Sulawesi-Seascape, a priority seascape under the CTI, implement their actions within the framework of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) in a coordinated manner, with a special focus on Marine Protected Areas (MPA), Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) and Climate Change Adaptation Planning Indicators: By June 2018, along the Sulu-Sulawesi Sea Turtle corridor concepts for national science based MPA networks are established and a concept for a tri-national network on MPA is developed within CTI framework. By June 2018, at least 2 policy recommendations for dissemination or transfer of best practices with regard to trans-boundary protected area management and conservation are prepared for adoption by the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape countries and/or CTI member countries.
Status updates for 5 outputs
Output 1: Capacities of CTI and relevant government institutions of the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape countries are enhanced Indicators: Status 1.1 Conduct a capacity needs assessment, including a baseline assessment, of CTI and the national implementing agencies. 1.2 Develop selected capacity building programs for the identified target groups. 1.3 Conduct trainings and other suitable measures for the target groups. Initial overview of capacity needs identified during the Regional and National Planning Workshops Ongoing preparations to have a comprehensive analysis, overview and implementation plan TBD Supported participation of partners in capacity building activities on MPA, Seascapes, EAFM, Vilm etc.
Output 2: Coordinating mechanisms among the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape countries in the framework of the CTI are improved Indicators: Status 2.1 Establish a project secretariat to support implementation of the RPOA and trans-boundary coordination among the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape countries and liaise with CTI-CFF. 2.2 Establish a country implementation team in each of the countries . 2.3 Analyze the existing coordination mechanisms for the implementation of the RPOA and develop recommendations of possible improvements with a special focus on the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape. 2.4 Facilitate the implementation of at least two of the above mentioned recommendations in support of the improvement of the coordinating mechanisms for the implementation of the RPOA. GIZ and CI, act as Project Secretariat to facilitate/coordinate the implementation of the activities Project Steering Committee established All countries forged implementation team in line with their needs and national standards. First discussions have emerged – planned for early next year TBD
Output 3: Prepare and implement regional, national and local activities within the framework of the RPOA of CTI-CFF with a special focus on MPA, EAFM and climate change adaptation planning Indicators: Status 3.1 Identify possible support areas concerning the RPOA implementation in the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape countries and identify trans-boundary activities for eco-region management and conservation. 3.2 Support implementation of selected national/bi-/tri-national activities on EAFM and climate change adaptation planning. On-going implementation of country and regional activities identified by implementing partners in line with the RPOA Ongoing implementation following the national and regional planning workshops (more information in the country updates)
Output 4: Research of importance for the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape/CTI-CFF is conducted and the results are disseminated Indicators: Status 4.1 Identify research priorities, especially in the fields of MPA/MPA networks, EAFM and climate change adaptation planning relevant to the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape/CTI. 4.2 Identify suitable research institutes and facilitate selected research projects 4.3 Disseminate research results in the CTI member countries and beyond. Priority area – Green Sea Turtle research On-going regional sea turtle research in cooperation with MRF in Sabah, information disseminated in reports and papers Additional research topics have been identified during the country and regional planning workshops – final decision to be made
Output 5: Best practices are disseminated in the CTI member countries and beyond Indicators: Status 5.1 Compilation of existing capacity building materials within the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape countries 5.2 Organize experience sharing workshops and regional exchange visits involving the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape countries and identify ways for up-scaling 5.3 Monitor and evaluate experiences with the aim to integrate them into local and national policies 5.4 Develop knowledge materials and compile experiences, lessons learned and recommendations and disseminate them in the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape countries, CTI and beyond (globally including international platforms such as UNFCCC and CBD) TBD Supported CTI technical regional exchanges (MPA and Seascapes) Ocean Governance Paper Sharing of national and regional work (e.g. ocean governance, sea turtle MPA network experience )in international scientific fora Production of knowledge materials further to be discussed and developed
Thank you!