CE Status: Activities executed until 03/08 and ongoing 19/07/2016 03/08/2016 (1) INSIDE HALL: Removal of last cladding separation and columns towards EHN1 completed. Rainwater pipes deviation and crane connection are done on Saleve side. Same activities are ongoing and scheduled for next week on Jura side. Removal of concrete wall is ongoing (~15m of 50m are done). Activity is supposed to be completed next week. Finishing works inside pits ongoing. Priority is given to Pit_B whose access has been asked by EP from 15/08 Upcoming Tasks: Slab btw existing and extension ; Metallic platform connecting w/ existing one at Jura side ; Finishing works Pit_A ; Overall finishing works on the slab and painting on metallic structure ; Materials disposal using existing Saleve door ; Skydômes commissioning ; Smoke screens installation
CE Status: Some photos_03/08/2016
CE Status: Some photos_03/08/2016
CE Status: Activities executed until 03/08 and ongoing (2) OUTSIDE HALL: Insulation package installation (Saleve+Jura side) completed. North side starts week 32. Cryo slab (Jura side) completed. Installation EU and Incendie networks ongoing. Upcoming Tasks: EL slab ; External stairs and crinoline installation, Windows + Doors (supplied by CERN) installation ; Finishing works on cladding and roofing; Road and Networks completion; External arrangement
Next steps: Activities scheduled until 15/08 and after CERN activities has been reviewed after 15/08, following access requested by EP Permanent barriers installation (EN/ACE) delayed after CE handover ; Final light installation (EN/EL) delayed after CE handover ; EP needs to get access on Pit_B from 15/08 onwards Agreed date delayed EP activities in Pit_B delayed Pit_B handover to CERN before the 15/08 if possible! + Flatness works on the slab are still needed to reach EP needs 04/08 15/08 05/09 See MoM held on 02/08 btw SMB/EN/EP, URGENT ACTIONS TO EP Only CE contractors on site CE activities w/ EN-HE and EP teams
Next steps: Activities scheduled until 15/08 and after TABLE OF OVERALL ACTIVITIES W33 W33 SMB 1) Concreting process of slab #6 2) Finishing works (small modifications, cleaning, painting, etc..) EP 1) Technicians team access pit; 2) Installation + service supply ; 3) Bring equipm ; 4) Survey implantation control ; 5) Handling concrete blocks HE 1) Cable connection Saleve side 2) Crane commissioning on 19/08 condition - No crane - No slab risks - Difficulty to access extension for material and/or workers - EN/HE nacelle blocks passage - Crane commissioning Agreed date delayed EP activities in Pit_B delayed 04/08 15/08 05/09 Only CE contractors on site CE activities w/ EN-HE and EP teams
Next steps: Activities scheduled until 15/08 and after TABLE OF OVERALL ACTIVITIES W34 W33 W34 SMB 1) Concreting process of slab #6 2) Finishing works (small modifications, cleaning, painting, etc..) 1) Temporary barrier removal in Pit_A; 2) Skydome commissioning; 3) Smoke screens installation 4) Finishing works 5) Material disposal w/ crane EP 1) Technicians team access pit; 2) Installation + service supply ; 3) Bring equipm ; 4) Survey implantation control ; 5) Handling concrete blocks 1) Supports installation floor level ; 2) Final survey before floor installation 3) Unload 2 trucks of material in Pit_B 4) Check delivered pieces HE 1) Cable connection Saleve side 2) Crane commissioning on 19/08 - condition - No crane - No slab Crane_OK Slab_(?) risks - Difficulty to access extension for material and/or workers - EN/HE nacelle block passage - Crane commissioning - Skydomes commissioning - Smoke screen installation - Finishing woks in the entire hall Agreed date delayed EP activities in pit_B delayed 04/08 15/08 05/09 Only CE contractors on site CE activities w/ EN-HE and EP teams
Next steps: Activities scheduled until 15/08 and after TABLE OF OVERALL ACTIVITIES W35 W33 W34 W35 SMB 1) Concreting process of slab #6 2) Finishing works (small modifications, cleaning, painting, etc..) 1) Temporary barrier removal in Pit_A; 2) Skydome commissioning; 3) Smoke screens installation 4) Finishing works 5) Material disposal w/ crane 1) Pit_A finishing; 2) Decking platform Jura; EP 1) Technicians team access pit; 2) Installation + service supply ; 3) Bring equipm ; 4) Survey implantation control ; 5) Handling concrete blocks 1) Supports installation floor level ; 2) Final survey before floor installation 3) Unload 2 trucks of material in Pit_B 4) Check delivered pieces 1) Pieces installation on the blocks 2) Bolts and welded connection 3) Lift assembled system on support 4) Survey control HE 1) Cable connection Saleve side 2) Crane commissioning on 19/08 - condition - No crane - No slab Crane_OK Slab_(?) Slab_OK risks - Difficulty to access extension for material and/or workers - EN/HE nacelle block passage - Crane commissioning - Skydomes commissioning - Smoke screen installation - Finishing woks in the entire hall Agreed date delayed EP activities in pit_B delayed 04/08 15/08 05/09 Only CE contractors on site CE activities w/ EN-HE and EP teams
Conclusions: ACTIVITIES AFTER 15/08: All CERN activities scheduled after 15/08 inside the worksite area need to respect Safety Conditions imposed by a worksite of Category 1 EP and EN/HE must submit their procedures and the PPSPS to SOCOTEC for approval before works start EP and EN/HE reference persons must participate at the VIC, scheduled for the 09/08 at 15:30, with SOCOTEC, MOE and SMB SMB activities have the PRIORITY during this period. Claims generated by conflicts due of CERN activities must be avoided. The common goal of “Final CE Handover” for 05/09 has to be pursued REMIND: To access the CE worksite area, particular safety rules need to be respected, therefore for any visit, intervention, work, etc.., everyone is invited to taking contact w/ SMB reference person (Estelle FONTAINE or Martin MANFREDI).
New platform connecting existing one -> ISSUES 1) Implantation of 4 columns are inside “Supervised Area” OPTIONS: Either modify barrier position or we allow local intervention of SMB contractor beyond “declassified zone” ? 2) Two beams HEB200 will be placed btw axis 25 and 25b and connected to the side concrete wall. Conflict with existing services are detected. SOLUTION: Is it possible to temporarily or permanently remove them ?