California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 Overview of Regulatory Findings or Issues Positive Findings in Korea Total Positives in the NAVEK Program Special Survey for Korean Exports – Fungicide Application Timings Evaluation of Packinghouse Records International Agreements, Policies, and Administrative records
California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 Positive Findings in Korea Upon arrival Korean NPQS Inspectors found: 22 Total grower lots positive. Analysis – 1 Fresno Co. (mid-season) 16 Tulare Co. (mid-season) 5 Kern Co. (early season) 17 from NAVEK program 5 outside of the program (i.e., Kern Co.)
California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 USDA-APHIS Mandatory Investigations of Positive Findings in Korea Fungicide application records – Intervals between applications -93-126 days (Forecasting model was not followed) Sampling date to shipping date – 44-51 day intervals (Requirement < 45 days) Lot Numbers – Same lot no. for non-contiguous orchards (Lots need to be contiguous) Grade/Variety – Possible discrepancies, lower grades, or marking problems (Shipping standards must be maintained)
California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 Positive Findings by NAVEK Detections by the NAVEK certification program: 191 Total grower lots positive. Analysis – 160 Navel lots 30 Valencia lots 1 Re-participation lot 16 Tulare Co. (mid-season) 1 Fresno Co. (mid-season) Note: Kern Co. is not officially in the certification program.
California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 Special Survey for Korean Exports CCQC Notified Industry with a Letter on 4/9/2008 Reason: High No. of positives in NAVEK program Review of packinghouse facilities with the highest number of positives 8 packinghouses accounted for 113 positives (70% of Navel Orange Detections) Intervals between applications - 93-115 days (Forecasting model was not followed)
California Orange Export Program to Korea 2007-2008 Administrative Issues Affecting Agreements, Policies, or Records Fungicide applications records not always on file Single lot numbers used for discontinuous orchards Pesticide use records did not have KOR lot numbers KOR lot numbers excessively long Grower lots removed from Korean export were not listed separately at the packinghouse Shipping containers had more than 8 lots