Utah Air Pollution Alison Wilde 7th period
issue Jan. 22, 2014 Air pollutants are destroying the atmosphere, plants, and the health of animals and humans.
Governing Entity Utah Department of Health Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Relation to Earth Science Air pollution impacts the atmosphere in a negative way. Earth scientist are studying the air pollutants to find the sources of PM2.5 and then figure out how to reduce it. PM2.5: Particulate pollution
Research Last year Salt Lake City was ranked #6 in the top polluted cities in the nation. All Utah counties received C or below grade for particulate pollution and ozone levels. Davis was given an F in both. On January 31, 2017 Utah had the worst air quality in the nation.
Research pt2 Pollution has caused many health problems (Asthma, Bronchitis, and even birth defects). 57% of pollution comes from mobile sources (vehicles) 32% is from area sources (homes, aerosol products, etc.) 11% is from point sources (mines, factories) Pollution levels have gone down in the past couple of years, but it is still really bad.
Call to action Ways to help lower pollution levels: Carpool, public transportation, walking, etc. Avoid idling Use environmentally safe cleaning supplies Conserve electricity (set thermostat higher in the summer and lower in the winter)
bibliography http://www.sltrib.com/home/3799747-155/slc-ranked-as-6th-worst-in-the http://fox13now.com/2017/01/31/salt-lake-city-currently-has-worst-air-quality-in- us/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/141726-the-effects-air-pollution-plants/ http://health.utah.gov/enviroepi/healthyhomes/epht/AirPollution_PublicHealth.pdf http://www.kued.org/whatson/the-air-we-breathe/background/pollution-sources https://blog.epa.gov/blog/2017/01/utah-winter-study/