Parallel Algorithms (chap. 30, 1st edition) Parallel: perform more than one operation at a time. PRAM model: Parallel Random Access Model. Shared memory p0 Multiple processors connected to a shared memory. Each processor access any location in unit time. All processors can access memory in parallel. All processors can perform operations in parallel. p1 pn-1
Concurrent vs. Exclusive Access Four models EREW: exclusive read and exclusive write CREW: concurrent read and exclusive write ERCW: exclusive read and concurrent write CRCW: concurrent read and concurrent write Handling write conflicts Common-write model: only if they write the same value. Arbitrary-write model: an arbitrary one succeeds. Priority-write model: the one with smallest index succeeds. EREW and CRCW are most popular.
Synchronization and Control A most important and complicated issue Suppose all processors are inherently tightly synchronized: All processors execute the same statements at the same time No race among processors, i.e, same pace. Termination control of a parallel loop: Depend on the state of all processors Can be tested in O(1) time.
Pointer Jumping –list ranking Given a single linked list L with n objects, compute, for each object in L, its distance from the end of the list. Formally: suppose next is the pointer field d[i]= 0 if next[i]=nil d[next[i]]+1 if next[i]nil Serial algorithm: (n).
List ranking –EREW algorithm LIST-RANK(L) (in O(lg n) time) for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]=nil then d[i]0 else d[i]1 while there exists an object i such that next[i]nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]nil then d[i] d[i]+ d[next[i]] next[i] next[next[i]]
List-ranking –EREW algorithm 1 3 4 6 5 (a) 3 4 6 1 5 (b) 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 6 1 5 (c) 4 3 2 1 3 4 6 1 5 (d) 5 4 3 2 1
List ranking –correctness of EREW algorithm Loop invariant: for each i, the sum of d values in the sublist headed by i is the correct distance from i to the end of the original list L. Parallel memory must be synchronized: the reads on the right must occur before the wirtes on the left. Moreover, read d[i] and then read d[next[i]]. An EREW algorithm: every read and write is exclusive. For an object i, its processor reads d[i], and then its precedent processor reads its d[i]. Writes are all in distinct locations.
LIST ranking EREW algorithm running time O(lg n): The initialization for loop runs in O(1). Each iteration of while loop runs in O(1). There are exactly lg n iterations: Each iteration transforms each list into two interleaved lists: one consisting of objects in even positions, and the other odd positions. Thus, each iteration double the number of lists but halves their lengths. The termination test in line 5 runs in O(1). Define work =#processors running time. O(n lg n).
Parallel prefix on a list A prefix computation is defined as: Input: <x1, x2, …, xn> Binary associative operation Output:<y1, y2, …, yn> Such that: y1= x1 yk= yk-1 xk for k=2,3, …,n , i.e, yk= x1 x2 … xk . Suppose <x1, x2, …, xn> are stored orderly in a list. Define notation: [i,j]= xi xi+1 … xj
Prefix computation LIST-PREFIX(L) for each processor i, in parallel do y[i] x[i] while there exists an object i such that next[i]nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]nil then y[next[i]] y[i] y[next[i]] next[i] next[next[i]]
Prefix computation –EREW algorithm [1,1] x1 [2,2] x2 [3,3] [4,4] x4 [5,5] x5 [6,6] x6 (a) x3 x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 x4 (b) [1,1] [1,2] [2,3] [3,4] [4,5] [5,6] x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 (c) [1,1] [1,2] [1,3] [1,4] [2,5] [3,6] x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 (d) [1,1] [1,2] [1,3] [1,4] [1,5] [1,6]
Find root –CREW algorithm Suppose a forest of binary trees, each node i has a pointer parent[i]. Find the identity of the tree of each node. Assume that each node is associated a processor. Assume that each node i has a field root[i].
Find-roots –CREW algorithm FIND-ROOTS(F) for each processor i, in parallel do if parent[i] = nil then root[i]i while there exist a node i such that parent[i] nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if parent[i] nil then root[i] root[parent[i]] parent[i] parent[parent[i]]
Find root –CREW algorithm Running time: O(lg d), where d is the height of maximum-depth tree in the forest. All the writes are exclusive But the read in line 7 is concurrent, since several nodes may have same node as parent. See figure 30.5.
Find roots –CREW vs. EREW How fast can n nodes in a forest determine their roots using only exclusive read? (lg n) Argument: when exclusive read, a given peace of information can only be copied to one other memory location in each step, thus the number of locations containing a given piece of information at most doubles at each step. Looking at a forest with one tree of n nodes, the root identity is stored in one place initially. After the first step, it is stored in at most two places; after the second step, it is Stored in at most four places, …, so need lg n steps for it to be stored at n places. So CREW: O(lg d) and EREW: (lg n). If d=2(lg n), CREW outperforms any EREW algorithm. If d=(lg n), then CREW runs in O(lg lg n), and EREW is much slower.
Find maximum – CRCW algorithm Given n elements A[0,n-1], find the maximum. Suppose n2 processors, each processor (i,j) compare A[i] and A[j], for 0 i, j n-1. FAST-MAX(A) nlength[A] for i 0 to n-1, in parallel do m[i] true for i 0 to n-1 and j 0 to n-1, in parallel do if A[i] < A[j] then m[i] false do if m[i] =true then max A[i] return max 5 6 9 2 9 m 5 F T T F T F 6 F F T F T F 9 F F F F F T 2 T T T F T F A[j] A[i] max=9 The running time is O(1). Note: there may be multiple maximum values, so their processors Will write to max concurrently. Its work = n2 O(1) =O(n2).
Find maximum –CRCW vs. EREW If find maximum using EREW, then (lg n). Argument: consider how many elements “think” that they might be the maximum. First, n, After first step, n/2, After second step n/4. …, each step, halve. Moreover, CREW takes (lg n).
Stimulating CRCW with EREW Theorem: A p-processor CRCW algorithm can be no more than O(lg p) times faster than a best p-processor EREW algorithm for the same problem. Proof: each step of CRCW can be simulated by O(lg p) computations of EREW. Suppose concurrent write: CRCW pi write data xi to location li, (li may be same for multiple pi ‘s). Corresponding EREW pi write (li, xi) to a location A[i], (different A[i]’s) so exclusive write. Sort all (li, xi)’s by li’s, same locations are brought together. in O(lg p). Each EREW pi compares A[i]= (lj, xj), and A[i-1]= (lk, xk). If lj lk or i=0, then EREW pi writes xj to lj. (exclusive write). See figure 30.7.
CRCW vs. EREW CRCW: Some says: easier to program and more faster. Others say: The hardware to CRCW is slower than EREW. And One can not find maximum in O(1). Still others say: either EREW or CRCW is wrong. Processors must be connected by a network, and only be able to communicate with other via the network, so network should be part of the model.