The Argumentative Essay Writing for success in class and on the FSA
Definition: the writer presents an argument utilizing the pros and cons of an issue.
A successful argumentative essay must include: ∙An introduction to the topic ∙A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement. ∙Clear, logical, and high-quality transitions between paragraphs and related ideas. ∙Support in each body paragraph ∙An original conclusion that synthesizes, summarizes, and readdresses the topic.
Organizational Patterns Pattern 1: intro the topic + thesis main idea 1 main idea 2 concession(s) + refutation(s) conclusion Pattern 2: intro the topic + thesis concession(s) + refutation(s) main idea 1 main idea 2 conclusion Pattern 3: intro the topic + thesis main idea 1->evidence-> concession + refutation main idea 2->evidence-> concession + refutation conclusion