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Most frequently used techniques in political speeches
Commonly used techniques by political leaders Personal Pronouns Rule of 3 Rhetorical questions Logos Ethos Pathos Repetition Flattery Charisma
Personal Pronouns Use of Pronouns such as ‘We’ and ’Us’ implies that the speaker believes in a sense of unity. And Pronouns such as ‘I’ and ’Me’ implies that the speaker believes in himself and wishes the people to believe in him. Evidence: Joachim Gauck: ‘My fellow citizens….’ and ‘We were the people….’ Tony Tan Keng Yam: ‘We will strengthen….’ and ’ My Government will pursue new……..’
Rule of 3 The "rule of three" is a principle which suggests that things that come in threes are more effective than other numbers of things. Famous Speakers often use this technique to have a stronger impact on the audience. Evidence: Joachim Gauck : “Peace, freedom and solidarity.”
Rhetorical questions A question asked merely for effect with no answer expected. These are used to engage them in thinking and consider what answer they would give if they could. Evidence: Joachim Gauck: “Will the trend towards isolation continue?” and “Will the gap between rich and poor grow even wider?”
Logos An appeal to logic or reason. Use of Statistics and facts. Usually used to make the public remember something. Use of Techniques such as Logos is generally used to serve as an evidence. Evidence: Tony Tan Keng Yam :-“At 50, we are still a young nation” and “For 50 years since Independence”
Ethos An appeal to credibility or character. Mostly used to Evidence: Joachim Gauck:- In Gandhi’s words, a person can make progress and achieve success only with self-confidence. This applies to a person as well as to a nation, Gandhi said.
Pathos Using emotive language In order to target the people’s consciousness and in a way gain their support. Also used to motivate the people Evidence: Joachim Gauck: ‘We must not forget the other part of our history either, the part which includes the establishment of a new political culture of freedom, a sense of responsibility lived out in a very practical way, the ability to live in peace, the solidarity of our people.’
Repetition Refers to the repetition of a word, sentence or phrase in a speech or a part of speech Used to get the attention of the public towards the repeated word, sentence or phrase Evidence: Joachim Gauck: ‘Freedom is a necessary prerequisite for justice. Because the meaning of justice - including social justice’ Tony Tan Keng Yam: ‘Singaporean’
Flattery This is evident when politicians mention how hard people work, or how upstanding and honest people are. Evidence: Joachim Gauck : “Our constitution and our humanity behove us to see ourselves in others, our brothers and sisters, as talented and as entitled to participation as we are.”
Charisma Charisma is a quality that draws people to another person. It includes charm, flattery, confidence, and strength, all in one package.
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