Township of Union Public Schools 2017-2018 Budget Board of Education Members Ron McDowell, President Nancy Zuena, Vice President David Arminio Guy Francis Nancy Minneci Jeff Monge Vito Nufrio Nellis Regis-Darby Mary Lynn Williams Gregory A. Tatum, Superintendent Gerry Benaquista, Assistant Superintendent Annie Moses, Assistant Superintendent Gregory Brennan, School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary
District wide budget Three Tiered Requests: Needs Wants Wishes
Budget Presentations Presented by each Department Head to Administration: Buildings and Grounds Transportation Special Education Curriculum Personnel Technology Athletics
District Technology Budget Technology budget was created for hardware and software standardization throughout the district. Simplifies Technology maintenance and support.
Budget Discussions Superintendent met with each building Principal. Reallocated funds based on school grade level needs and enrollment in each building.
Budget Meetings: Several budget meeting discussions occurred with Central Office Administration and the Fiscal Committee.
Proposed Budget State Aid Increase: ZERO Cost per pupil $15,268 Local Tax Levy increase 2.0% ($1,719,622) Cost per pupil $15,268 Employees 1200 Students 7300
Revenue 2017-2018 2017 - 2018 Local Tax Levy (general & debt service) $90,508,938 State Aid $32,520,313 Federal Aid $2,737,528 Budgeted Fund Balance (general & debt service) $6,595,990 Misc./WD from Cap. Reserve/Maint. Reserve $5,196,064 TOTAL $137,558,833 Revenue
Appropriations (expenditures) 2017-2018 2017-2018 GEN & SCH ADMIN/CENTRAL SVS/TECH $9,005,374 CAPITAL OUTLAY $5,939,136 DEBT SERVICE $2,938,250 INSTRUCTION $67,709,438 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE $10,215,510 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $22,315,000 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES $13,504,386 TRANSPORTATION $5,931,739 TOTAL $137,558,833 Appropriations (expenditures)
Tax Impact on average homeowner 2017 Tax Increase: General Fund $ 82 Debt Service Fund $ 0 Total $ 82 User Friendly Budget District Website
Continue Program Offerings Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten Full-Day Kindergarten Comprehensive academic program in grades Pre-K through grade 12 Elementary Afterschool Enrichment Programs Programs I-Ready Grades K-8 edConnect NJ: Target Instruction/Assessments Grades 2-12 Athletic Sports: Fall, Winter, & Spring Co-Curricular activities throughout the school district Extended Summer Learning: I-Ready Program Monitors Grades 2-4 and 5-7 Summer Academic Bridge Programs: Mathematics and English Language Arts Grades 4-9 with Apex Learning Grades 5-9 Title I Extended Learning Program: Franklin, Jefferson, Burnet and Union High School Extended School Year (ESY) Special Services Summer Tech Grades K-2: Keyboarding and Word Processing Technology; Chromebooks- Personalize Learning, Blended Learning, and Google Classroom (UHS) Middle Schools: After School Academy and Saturday Academy
Educational Advances Math Computer Science Course Elective at Union High School Student Learning Standards (SLS) Math taught with problem solving thinking and hands on methods of discoveries – Grades K-12 Language Arts Classes of study implement rigor literature and informational (cross curriculum) text Classes are design to prepare students for success for college, career, and life Science Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards; Grades K-12 High School STEM- New Course Digital Electronics (DE) Infusion of STEM-Project Based Activities; Grades K-8 Equip students with ability to use what is learned in real life, ability to research, and develop skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) – Grades K-12 Social Studies Increase depth of understanding of our global society: Values of American democracy and citizenship; using Student Learning Standards (SLS); Supporting students to think critically about local, regional, national and global issues. – Grades K-12 Physical Education Implementation of Weight/Fitness Program for Student Athletes during PE classes – UHS Wellness is a way to life – Grades K-12 Fitness Assessment – Grades K-12
Physical Plant Highlights FY 17-18… Asbestos - District Wide Bathroom Renovations - District Wide Bus Parking Lot Pave & Fence New Lighting Panel & New Lighting Auditorium & Gym - Burnet MS Repair Ceiling Auditorium - Livingston New Auditorium Chairs - Washington Repair Flat Roof - Franklin
Physical Plant Highlights - (Continued) FY 17-18… New LED Lighting, Ceiling, Fire Alarms – Union HS New Mechanic Lift - Transportation New Heating System Garage Replace Boilers - Connecticut Farms Replace Boilers - Franklin Ceiling & Lights – District Wide Flooring – District Wide