NORTH AMERICA- Location, area, political and physical features
Exploration and discoverey Vikings and Norsemen (from Scandinavia) visited the continent in 986 C.E. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 15th century- discovery of New World (North America and South America) Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci reached America in 1507.
LOCATION Northern hemisphere Western hemisphere 7°N to 84°N latitude 20°W to 175°W longitude
LOCATION North – Arctic Circle West – Pacific Ocean East – Atlantic Ocean South- joined to South America with Isthmus of Panama Bering Strait separates N. America from Asia
LOCATION North – Arctic Circle West – Pacific Ocean East – Atlantic Ocean South- joined to South America with Isthmus of Panama Bering Strait separates N. America from Asia
Important latitude and longitude 100°W
POLITICAL DIVISIONS North of Tropic of Cancer: 3/4th N. America is occupied by U.S.A and Canada Tropic of Cancer passes through Mexico South of Tropic of Cancer: Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Belize, Nicaragua, Panama
POLITICAL DIVISIONS Island of Caribbean: Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico etc (West Indies) Snow covered islands: Baffin Island, Victoria Island Other Islands: Greenland New Foundland (North-east Coast) Aleutian Islands (North-west Coast)
NORTH AMERICA-Political map
PHYSICAL FEATURES The Canadian or Laurentian Shield The Western Mountain System or Western Cordilleras The Eastern Highlands or Appalachian Mountains The Central Lowlands or Great Central Plains
NORTH AMERICA- Physical map
THE CANADIAN OR LAURENTIAN SHIELD It is composed of old hard rock It extends from Hudson Bay to Great Lakes The areas has been eroded by ice sheets and glaciers for thousands of years Average elevation is 300-400m (erosion) Consists of many depressions (erosion) End of the Ice Age filled the depressions with water- Great Lakes Rich in water and minerals ( copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, gold and silver)
THE WESTERN MOUNTAIN SYSTEM OR WESTERN CORDILLERAS A range of young fold mountains with steep slopes and high peaks Lies in the western part of North America from Alaska to Isthmus of Panama Stretches for 6500km in North America and the continues as Andes in South America The region contains active volcanoes, extinct volcanoes, hot springs Since it lies close to the Pacific Coast, it forms part of the Pacific Ring of Fire
The Pacific Ring of Fire (or just The Ring of Fire) is an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean
Highest point- Mt.McKinley in the Alaska Range- (6194m) A number of mountains along Pacific Coast Rockies are the eastern most range of the Cordilleras Intermontane Plateau- Columbian Plateau and Colorado Plateau Rivers have cut the plateau to form Gorges or Canyons- Eg. Grand Canyon is 2000m deep and 480kn long
Grand Canyon
Mt.McKinley Western Cordilleras
THE EASTERN HIGHLANDS OR APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS They are old fold mountains They are lower than the Western Cordilleras Average height- 1200-1500m Length- 2575km long Highest point- Mt.Washington (1917m) Rivers from the highland flow across to the Piedmont Plateau before descending to the east coastal plains in a series of waterfalls. It is rich in minerals
THE CENTRAL LOWLANDS OR GREAT CENTRAL PLAINS Extends from Hudson Bay to Gulf of Mexico 6000km long and 2000km wide Situated between the Western Cordilleras and the Eastern Highlands The slope of the land can understood by the flow of the rivers.
Rivers in North America Identify rivers that flow towards the north, south, west and east
Importance of rivers Supply water Increase soil fertility Useful for agriculture Generating hydroelectricity