Key Diversity Term Definitions
The wide variety of shared and different personal and group characteristics among humans (e.g., race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender-identity, national origin, disability, political beliefs, military status, political affiliation, educational level, socioeconomic level). Diversity
The active, intentional, and ongoing effort to facilitate engagement between diverse individuals. Diversity is getting invited to the dance. Inclusion is being asked to dance. Inclusion
Equity or Equitable Treatment Involves acknowledging diversity, recognizing and celebrating our differences, and eliminating the barriers that prevent the full participation of all individuals.
Test Your Knowledge Diversity is: Select one: The wide variety of shared and different personal and group characteristics among humans Being asked to dance A way to describe someone who is different from you (i.e., “some of my coworkers are diverse”)
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Test Your Knowledge Inclusion is: Getting invited to the dance Refusing to believe in stereotypes The active, intentional, and ongoing effort to facilitate engagement between diverse individuals
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Test Your Knowledge Equity or Equitable Treatment is: Select one: Redressing past discrimination Acknowledging and recognizing diversity to celebrate differences Finding common ground to deflect differences
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Actions based on conscious or unconscious prejudice. Discrimination
A preconceived judgment or bias. Prejudice
A preference for or tendency toward a particular viewpoint or outcome A preference for or tendency toward a particular viewpoint or outcome. May result in outcomes that are inclined to favor some groups over others. Can exist unconsciously with good intentions. Bias
A blanket belief and expectation about members of certain groups that presents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment. Stereotype
Test Your Knowledge Discrimination is: Select one: Grouping individuals based on differences Synonymous with racism An action based on conscious or unconscious prejudice
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Test Your Knowledge Prejudice is: Select one: A value judgement A viewpoint based on preconceived bias Synonymous with racism
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Test Your Knowledge Bias is: Select one: Always purposeful and intentional Something that always leads to favoring one group over another A tendency to gravitate to a particular outcome or viewpoint
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Test Your Knowledge Stereotype is: Select one: A phenomenon that will always lead to discrimination A well thought-out belief Generally, an oversimplified opinion
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Intentional or unintentional negative comment or action toward a nondominant group. May unconsciously reinforce a stereotype. Microaggression
A right, favor, or immunity granted to one individual or group and withheld from another. Privilege
Usually refer to systems of privilege and oppression based on race (racism), sex (sexism), age (ageism), ability (ableism), etc. Isms
Test Your Knowledge Microaggression is: Select one: The least confrontational method to combat prejudice A comment or action based, in part, on stereotypes A way to minimize differences among people
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Test Your Knowledge Privilege is: Select one: A right granted to one group, but withheld from another Generally associated with groups who are in the minority A situation that has no redress
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Test Your Knowledge Isms are: Select one: Always likely to empower everyone Likely to bring people together Based on oppression of others and grounded in privilege
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