We bring Business and personal Trade together on one website. www.swaade.com Swap any thing any time We bring Business and personal Trade together on one website. www.swaade.com
Why our members Join Swaade Swaade allows everyone to swap and trade any product or service, We do this by having a currency called (Swa) Swa are a Store Credit. People can earn Swa by uploading items onto the website. The credit goes into there accounts instantly. We give every new member $wa100 Swa for registering. We also give them up to $wa100 Swa for uploading products, $wa 20 for each of the first 5 uploads. Once you have Swa you can Buy any products on the website with your Swa ( Store Credit) 1000’s of people uploading and getting Swa credit. Customer’s price their products on upload we verify each customer valuation. Once a product has been traded the buyer and seller are notified by email and arrange delivery. www.swaade.com
Why Advertise with Swaade Huge Traffic to our website makes Swaade the perfect place to advertise with 1000s of members uploading and looking for great offers every day. Upload your over stock and get Swa store credit in your account instantly. Upload your Offer and get paid part Swa part cash. Minimum 50% Swa Members pickup goods or services at your business place and pay the cash portion. Use your Store Credit ( $wa ) to Pay members of Swaade say $wa10 to Like your business on facebook. Every time you do it on avarage 100 people see the like. Helping to build your own facebook page. And bringing New cash customer into your shop. www.swaade.com
Get paid in Swa and Cash But offer big discounts this is Marketing Get paid in Swa and Cash But offer big discounts this is Marketing. You get paid full RRP but some of it is Swa that you can use to Market your business. Don’t discount! Offer Swa or get paid part cash part Swa, its up to you what you offer but offer value. Your getting paid Swa to market your business. You can offer swa to other cash customers as an incentive to buy instore. You can offer Swa to customers for doing any thing, Liking your Facebook business page to attract new cash customers, Buying a product, Joining a service, or becoming a customer. Buy from other business using Swa its upto each business to decide if they want to do this. You can offer swa to staff as an incentive or bonus.
Are you a service business. Offer Swa to new customer’s What’s you cost per sale. Talk to Swaade.com.au and save. We can guarantee a 50% saving on your cost of sale Lets say each new customer is costing you $50 in marketing and advertising. Swaade can sell you discounted Swa store credit $30 for $wa100 You can pass this swa onto your new customers for signing up to your service. Talk to us today www.swaade.com
Compare us to Group buying, See below your average Daily Deal offer.
Comparison Daily Deal Groupon Discount 50% average Cost to business 50% of Cash Big numbers that may affect your cash business. People get to try your Business. Great Profit only just covers costs. In above example The Business owner Only gets $15 or $16
Swaade No Discount Part Swa part Cash EG Sold for $60 being $wa35 Cash $25 being $10 more than a Groupon site. Now you have $wa35 in your Swaade account. You can do a number of thinks with your Swaade 1. Pay members $wa10 to Like your Facebook Page bringing in New Cash Customers.. 2. Don’t Discount Offer Swa 3. Giveaway Vouchers
What’s the Cost Join personally for Free get $100 Swa and $100 swa for 5 product uploads. A total of $200 Swa in your account Free Register your business and get $wa1000 Small business special one city Normal Price $760 cash Prelaunch price $360 cash + Bonus $1000 Swa. Medium business 2 city Normal price $1800 cash Prelaunch $1000 cash + $2000 Swa Corporate National Normal price $10,500 cash Prelaunch $5000 cash + $5000 swa bonus www.swaade.com
Contact Swaade.com Contact Dominic See Phone 02-82124095 Mobile 0410-511199 Email dominic@swaade.com www.swaade.com