The Council Finances to


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Presentation transcript:

The Council Finances 2014-15 to 2016-17 express briefing @ 8 The Council Finances 2014-15 to 2016-17 Cllr Steve Eling Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Resources Stuart Kellas Director of Strategic Resources Melanie Dudley Director of Improvement and Efficiency

Council agreed budget 4 March 2014 Council tax remains frozen for fourth year running Councils now able to retain proportion of business rates Council spends £930m gross on services, met from £646m fees, specific grants and charges, £155m revenue support grant and business rates top up, £50m retained business rates, £79m council tax

Budget 2014/15 – 2016/17 Business plans developed covering three years Targeted savings for most services of 9%, 16% and 11% in years 2014/15, 2015/16, and 2016/17 respectively Reduced levels of savings agreed for Children’s and Adult Services Corporate projects developed to deliver additional savings and achieve balanced budget over the 3 year period

How we’re saving money… Management reform Corporate landlord Sharing facilities Channel shift Agile working

But also, investing for the future… Investment is a key part of the budget strategy: Investing in employees Investing in service delivery Investing in Sandwell Investing in employees Investing in the key managers of the organisation - LEAD programme Investing in a fit and healthy workforce – Health and Wellbeing events Soon to introduce an employee discount scheme - to help employees' money go further. The scheme will include a number of different benefits, including retail discounts, cash back offers on everyday shopping and a range of salary sacrifice options. Also introducing an employee assistance programme - free, confidential advice and counselling on a wide range of issues. Available 24/7 the programme aims to support employees and their wellbeing through all of life's challenges. Initiatives to reduce sickness absence - over for the last 3 years, there has been a reduction in sickness absence of 12% over that period. Investing in service delivery Investing in Sandwell Local centres – delivering services closer to people Investing in Sandwell Self Serve to enable customers to access services online, more efficiently Investing in energy efficient street lights Investing in early help/ prevention activity in adults and children’s services Investing in Sandwell Working with house builders and developers to build around 3000 new homes Investing in Sandwell’s leisure centres Investing in parks and quality green spaces Investing in road links and business routes

Issues to be addressed over the next 3 years Welfare Reform changes (Universal Credit) Superannuation deficit Reintegration of services and staff previously seconded to Transform Sandwell Social care funding review Linkages with the Third Sector Updated public expenditure details Generating income

Next Steps The full report is available on CMIS and on Sandwell Trends express briefings page,