Hitler Rises to Power The Beginning
Fascism A new military political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader. No clearly defined theory or program. Share ideas Extreme nationalism Nations must struggle- peaceful states were doomed to be conquered. Loyalty to an authoritarian leader who guided and brought order to the state. Wore uniforms of certain color, used special salutes, and held mass rallies.
Why Fascism? Unstable new democracies Dozens or more political parties In Germany- Weimar Republic: Lacked a strong democratic tradition Before the war, Germany had many major political parties Blamed it for the defeat of WWI and the humiliation caused by the Treaty of Versailles. Inflation- In order to pay debt, Germany printed more money. The Mark lost its value. The Great Depression
Hitler 1919- Joined National Socialist German Workers Party Mein Kampf Goal: to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and combat communism. NAZISM Mein Kampf Aryans were a master race Races such as Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies were inferior. Versailles Treaty was an outrage Vowed to regain German lands. Germany needed more room. He was ignored until loans stopped coming in and the Great Depression, people needed guidance.
His Power 1932- the Nazis become the largest political power Once in power: Banned all other political parties and had opponents arrested. The SS was created- black-uniformed unit. (Secret police shocked people into total obedience) Laws banned strikes, dissolved independent labor unions, and gave the government control of over business and labor. Shaped public opinion using press, radio, literature, panting, film into propaganda tool. Burned books Churches were forbidden to criticize the Nazis of the government Children joined Hitler Youth or League of German Girls. War on Jews