Analyzing and Evaluating an Advertisement Maram Alghamdi 201101934
Outline Background of the Advertisement The Advertisement Persuasion Tactics Effectiveness Summary
Background of the Advertisement The product being advertised Panda Cheese. Length of the advertisement? 3:46 In each commercial, a person is offered to try Panda cheese, to which he declines. This causes a giant panda to suddenly appear in front of him while the Buddy Holly song "True Love Ways" plays in the background. The panda stares at the person for a few seconds before it goes into a violent outburst and destroys everything around them. This Ad is aimed at all ages.
The Advertisement Never say no to panda
Persuasion Tactics sold the client the ‘crazy idea’ that if you don’t like Panda products, eat Panda products, or refuse a Panda sandwich, the Panda will not let you alone. Utilizing dark and subtle humor, the ‘Never say no to Panda’ concept , which show people refusing to eat Panda cheese. They then nervously look towards a life-size Panda, who stares blankly back at them accompanied by catchy Buddy Holly’s True Love Ways song, before the Panda proceeds to smash things up.
Effectiveness I’m gathering that not really understanding the commercial. It’s more the fact that it is an upright panda doing the actions, not the actions itself. also ignoring the ironic use of the music. They offense the other product by throw it in the floor and the food itself. One example is a pair of commercials featuring a father and son at the grocery store. The son suggests they buy Panda cheese, but the father says their shopping cart is full. The panda appears and stares at the father before tipping over the shopping cart and stomping on the spilled merchandise.
Summary Utilizing dark and subtle humor, the ‘Never say no to Panda’ concept , which show people refusing to eat Panda cheese it was clover and hit a huge success in the television and for the company itself.