The North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative Changes for 2016
Updated Field Data Forms Paper form Reformatted Minor changes Digital data form Formatted to closely match paper form Shift to Web Ap instead of PDF
Form Changes Add field for “Local ID” Additional options for Crossing Type Add “Removed” as an option for inlet and outlet shape Reorganization
Changes to Crossing Type Delete “Unknown” option Add “Partially Inaccessible” option Add “Bridge-adequate” option Add “No upstream channel” option
Partially Inaccessible For when you can access a crossing but can’t access the inlet or outlet well enough to collect data Observers will be allowed to enter data but validation rules on required fields will be relaxed Some crossings so assessed could be classified as “No AOP” Most crossings will not be scored via the numeric scoring system or AOP coarse screen “Inaccessible” reserved for crossings that cannot be assessed at all
Bridge Adequate For major bridges with no doubt about their passability OK to bypass these crossings without data collection Observers will be allowed to enter data but validation rules on required fields will be relaxed Default scores will be 1.0 and “Full AOP” Lack of some data may restrict ability to compute a terrestrial passability score for these crossings Dimensions Dry passage
No Upstream Channel Culverts at stream headwater (origin) Wetland crossings Observers will be allowed to enter data but validation rules on required fields will be relaxed Crossings will not be scored via the numeric scoring system or AOP coarse screen Lack of some data may restrict ability to compute a terrestrial passability score for these crossings Dimensions Dry passage
No Upstream Channel
Treat as a stream crossing e.g. “Culvert”
Issues Encountered in 2015 Use “Dry” as a physical barrier type only if culvert or cell is dry while the stream is flowing (not when stream is dry) All physical barriers need to be associated with the crossing, not upstream or downstream of the crossing Severity of physical barriers has major affect on coarse screen classification, choose carefully An outlet drop is indicated but distances to water and streambed are zero An outlet drop is not indicated but distances to water and streambed are > 0 Incomplete data collection (especially for large bridges)
Please Check and Approve Records for your Observers