Cooperation with the ministries of education Users and providers Formal and non formal cooperation Mutual and opposing interests
Different aspects of our cooperation with the ministries Formal cooperation Potentially conflicting interests Non-formal cooperation Data exchange and data collection
Formal cooperation – contractual obligations Co-financing of the statistical production of educational data For us to be able to produce our sequential register For them to be able to access these data Specific contracts for certain new data collections Expanded collection of data from the universities Expanded data collection concerning children with special needs
Interchanging data with the ministries
The Education Register: education from cradle to the grave Established in the early 1970's as a longitudinal register Contents: Education code Start date End date Institution
Non formal cooperation Visits to all relevant offices in the ministries Seminars regarding quality Faster data production New publications A new common educational classification based on ISCED More insight and information about the production process Regular meeting activities – presenting new initiatives for all interested in educational statistics Visits to educational institutions like universities and basic schools
Search for errors, corrections and Educational Institutions System suppliers It system support for Search for errors, corrections and recoding Validation Recoding to format used by DST Control of mayor fluctuations etc. Delivery of data Delivery of data
Other achievements ‘based on’ non-formal cooperation: More insight in the production process Detailed information on the production process is available on our homepage Formalized information level upon data delivery Seminars and meetings to clarify any major uncertainties The contracts are being revised to comply with these concerns Cooperation with all relevant ministries to develop a new educational classification: One commonly used classification A classification based on ISCED A classification accepted by all ministries A more correct classification New publications: Moving from an education to the labour market Background information related to obtaining an education Number of students in a basic school class Movements between bachelor and candidate levels at the universities Publications on children with special needs
Potentially conflicting interest Who is the main source of educational statistics? On which terms can the ministries use our data? Who will gather and control the data? Is the relation between the ministries and Statistics Denmark equal in terms of obligations and rights - or does ‘money talk’?
Thank you very much for your attention