The status of the CEBAF Upgrade Fulvia Pilat TTC Meeting – JLAB November 5-8 2012
Outline Introduction to JLAB and the 12 GeV Upgrade Timeline and present status C100 cryomodule: design, production, performance What was done differently for C100 program RF, Cryogenics, magnets New SRF infrastructures JLAB future plans: 12 GeV commissioning and physics running Electron-ion Collider
Jefferson Lab At-A-Glance Created to build and Operate the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), world-unique user facility for Nuclear Physics: Mission is to gain a deeper understanding of the structure of matter Through advances in fundamental research in nuclear physics Through advances in accelerator science and technology In operation since 1995 ~1,400 Active Users 178 Completed Experiments to-date Produces ~1/3 of US PhDs in Nuclear Physics (406 PhDs granted, 180 more in progress) Managed for DOE by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC (JSA) Human Capital: ~800 FTEs 22 Joint faculty; 27 Post docs; 14 Undergraduate, 33 Graduate students K-12 Science Education program serves as national model Site is 169 Acres, and includes: 83 SC Buildings & Trailers; 749K SF Replacement Plant Value: $331M FY 2011: Total Lab Operating Costs: $185M Non-DOE Costs: $13M
CEBAF overview In more detail Three interleaved beams, each 499 MHz From 180 mA in Hall C/Hall A, to a few nanoamps in Hall B. Wien Filter: If E/B= bc the no deflection but spin precesses in plane of the electric field. Note multiple energies in the same RF bunch in the linacs, separated in the bends. First large high-power CW recirculating e-linac based on SRF technology In operations since 1995 served ~1400 nuclear physics users Capabilities: 5 passes, multiple energies, beam characteristics, polarization 3 Halls running simultaneously Upgrade to 12 GeV: proposal late 1990’s approved and funded in 2004
Enhanced capabilities The 12 GeV Upgrade Upgrade is designed to build on existing facility: vast majority of accelerator and experimental equipment have continued use New Hall Add arc Enhanced capabilities in existing Halls Add 5 cryomodules 20 cryomodules Upgrade arc magnets and supplies CHL upgrade Maintain capability to deliver lower pass beam energies: 2.2, 4.4, 6.6…. The completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF was ranked the highest priority in the 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan. Scope of the upgrade includes: Doubling the accelerator beam energy Doubling the injector energy New Hall and beam-lines Upgrades to existing Experimental Halls
6 GeV CEBAF help me Two 0.6 GV linacs
Upgrade magnets and power supplies 12 GeV Cebaf Upgrade magnets and power supplies CHL-2 help me Two 0.6 GV linacs 1.1 New cryomodules get new rf zones
6 and 12 GeV CEBAF Parameter Unit 6 GeV 12 GeV Maximum energy to Halls A, B, C /D GeV 6 12 Number of passes for Halls A, B, C / D 5 5 / 5.5 Maximum current to Halls A, C / B mA 200 / 5 85 / 5 Emittance at max energy H / V nm-rad 1 / 1 10 / 2 Energy spread at max energy 10-5 2.5 50 at 11 GeV 500 at 12 GeV Bunch length (rms) ps 0.2 ~1 Polarization % 80
Hall D BCAL CDC FDC TOF FCAL start counter
Hall C SHMS = “Super High Momentum Spectrometer” Halls B and C Hall B CLAS12 = CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer Hall C SHMS = “Super High Momentum Spectrometer” Key Features: 1 torus & 1 solenoid magnet new detectors: Cerenkovs, calorimeters, drift chambers, silicon vertex tracker -- re-use some existing detectors hermetic device, low beam current, high luminosity Key Features: 3 quadrupole & 1 dipole & 1 horizontal bend magnet new 6 element detector package complementary to existing spectrometer (HMS) rigid support structure well-shielded detector enclosure
12 GeV Upgrade Schedule 16-month installation May 2012 - Sept 2013 FY12: reduction of $16M FY13: Pres Request – no restoration 16-month installation May 2012 - Sept 2013 Hall A commissioning start Feb 2014 Hall D commissioning start Oct 2014 Halls B & C commissioning Apr 2015 Project Complete June 2015
12 GeV Upgrade organization and status 12 GeV Project, with project management structure and practices Total Project Cost: 310 M$ (Injector Upgrade off project) Project 68% complete, 79% obligated Upgrade to 12GeV planned over 2 operations shutdowns: 6 months (May-Nov 2011) and 16 months (May 2012 – Sep 2013) Run last 6 GeV physics run (Nov 2011-May 2012) Test in operations critical upgrade components (C100 cryo-module and reworked and new magnets) Vast scope of work ongoing concurrently at JLAB during shut-downs (12 GeV upgrade, running of FEL, construction of a 30 M$ Facility, 2 buildings to integrate engineering capabilities and doubling the SRF infrastructures Lab-wide coordination of shutdown activities 6- month shutdown a success, exceeded scope of work in magnet upgrade
Cryomodule production Cryomodule test and performance The C100 cryomodule Cavity production Cryomodule production Cryomodule test and performance
C100 SRF cavities Q is BCS-limited C100: string of 8 7-cell cavities, 1497 MHz, produced by RI (Research Instruments) 80 cavities + 8 pre-production tested and assembled at JLAB 18-step qualification process EP derived from ILC R&D The cavity tests are performed at the Vertical Test Area (VTA) Design gradient: 19.2 MV/m average Average heat/cavity: 29 W Operational limit: 25 MV/m (limited by the klystron RF power and possibly field emission) Q is BCS-limited
Storyline for 12 GeV Cavities 2000-2002 Design and prototypes After prototype set, cavity design optimization to adjust input coupling, reduce fundamental field at HOM couplers (thermal issue), and get as-welded cavity closer to target frequency. Default surface prep: heavy BCP [all tests met project requirements] Outside-of-project effort to apply controlled EP encouraged by ILC R&D work, also streamlined preparation process developed. Result: Increased Q in the 17 – 24 MV/m range from EP added Technical Contingency in cryoload with minimal, if any, cost impact. Project acceptance. Cavity acceptance test performance exceeded requirements. Principal remaining performance-limiting phenomenon was field emission, but none with enough significance to not meet project requirements.
12 GeV cavities production process Production process: press for reliable efficiency 160 µm BCP and pre-tuned by vendor Receipt inspection – mechanical and rf Bake: 600 C, 10 hrs EP: 30 µm, @20C regulated by external water spray Tune Helium vessel welding Flange lapping HPR Partial assembly HPR --> dry in Class 10 cleanroom Final assembly, leak check Bake: 120 C, 24 hrs Vertical test @ 2.07 K HPR dry in Class 10 String assembly
12 GeV cavities: overall performance
12 GeV cavities: field emission At 20 MV/m in vertical acceptance test: Average radiation level of 190 μSv/hr (19 mrem/hr) at the top plate (median ~ 1 mrem/hr) 35% showed no detectable radiation
Cryomodule design and production The design of the C100 is an evolution from the C20 CEBAF cryomodule Experience from the C50 program (reduce field emission and raised gradient from 5.5 MV/m to 12.5 MV/m for 10 of the weakest C20 cryomodules) Output needed: 98 MV, designed for 108 MV Primary components procured, assembly and qualification at JLAB
C100 production status (10/2012) Cryomodule Assembly Acceptance test CMTF Installation Tested in tunnel Tested with beam C100-1 ✔ ✔Aug 2011 C100-2 ✔Sep 2011 C100-3 In progress Jan 2013 C100-4 ✔Jun 2012 C100-5 ✔May 12 C100-6 Dec 2012 C100-7 C100-8 C100-9 Final stage C100-10 R100 (inj)
C-100 Cryomodule Assembly
Cryomodule tests and performance Acceptance test (in CMTF, CryoModule Test Facility): every cavity is tested and tuned to 1497 MHz, HOM are characterized and maximum gradient, field emission and Qo measured together with microphonics and static heat loads Tunnel test: subset of acceptance tests Microphonics Peak detuning budget is 35 Hz Measurements within specs but higher than expected (no stiffening rings in cavities?) Modification of tuners from cryomodule 5 resulted in 42% decrease in microphonics average peak HOM measuments The predicted BBU threshold is 26 mA (nominal 465 mA maximum beam loading) Dedicated beam test at ½ energy and a special optics aimed at lowering threshold, BBU not detected. Survey of HOM(TE111,TM110 and TM111) via BTF measurements
12 GeV Upgrade Cryomodule Performance Results from the first four cryomodules commissioned M. Drury et al. LINAC12 MOBP030
12 GeV Upgrade Cryomodule Performance Cryomodule Energy Gain (MeV) 2.07 K Acceptance Test in Tunnel Ops C100-1 111.7 104.3 94.5 C100-2 117.5 109.6 108 C100-3 118.7 C100-4 115.1 105.8 C100-5 108.2 109.9
Microphonics Cavity C100-1-5 Cavity C100-4-5 Determines the Feedback Gain needed for control. Effects are driven by QL and the available klystron power for lightly loaded cavities Microphonic Detuning* C100-1 C100-4 RMS (Hz) 2.985 1.524 6s(Hz) 17.91 9.14 Minor change to the tuner pivot plate substantially improved the microphonics for the CEBAF C100 Cryomodules. While both meet the overall system requirements the improved design has a larger RF power margin Cavity C100-1-5 How one determines klystron margin in lightly loaded cavities. Good shot of the cavities doing their own thing. Not vector sum friendly! Point out the stiffened tuner in C100-4 and the impact on the better microphponics. Mechanical modes at 11, 22 and 43 Hz (check with Kirk) are seen on the graphs. Cavity C100-4-5
Cryomodule commissioning and operations 2 C100 installed during the 6 months shutdown Commissioned and in operations Nov 2011-May 2012 Challenges: narrower bandwidth, higher gradient, coupling Learning curve (LLRF, trip recovery, etc.) C100 Cryomodule Energy Gain – May 18th Beam Current/pass (mA) – 150 ENERGY GAIN (MeV) – 50 – 100 – 200 98 MeV 108 MeV C100 reached design energy gain (108 MeV) for the nominal 12 GeV current of 465 mA on May 17 2012. Full validation of the C100 design.
Quick glance at other upgrade systems: RF Cryogenics Magnets
RF Zone
RF Installation – South Linac Four zones installed and commissioned
RF Installation – South Linac Tunnel Waveguide installation
Magnets for 12 GeV East Arc West Arc Magnets in existing arcs (1-9) able to work saturated (low passes) or needed re-work (higher passes). Add iron to turn C-magnets in H-magnets New arc 10, spreaders and recombiners and X-fer lines need new magnets Re-worked magnets, reinstalled in 2011, performed as predicted. East Arc West Arc
Cryogenic plant doubling CHL Compressors are installed and are being commissioned.
Cryogenic plant doubling Installation of Cold Boxes nearing completion. UPPER COLDBOX LOWER COLDBOX
New SRF infrastructures
New SRF infrastructures at JLAB 2 buildings (SLI program, 30 M$ investment): TEDF (Technology Engineering Development Facility) TLA (Test Lab Addition- 14000 sft addition to TestLab) (8600 sft chemroom / cleanroom) Energy efficiency Life-safety code compliance Work-flow efficiency Facility sustainability Human work environment Technical quality of facilities for future work Cavity fabrication and cryomodule assembly Completely new infrastructures Phase 1: existing equipment and tools Phase 2: incremental acquisition of new equipment and tools TEDF occupancy: beginning 2012 TLA occupancy: summer 2012 TestLab renovation: summer 2013
Improved Work-Flow Efficiency Improved work flow of SRF work centers by consolidating to Test Lab Addition (TLA) All work centers placed on first floor level with planned adjacencies to improve work flow SRF machine shop, presses, tech shop, and electron beam welder consolidated to west end of TLA Brazing and vacuum furnaces moved to one room Parts clean & etch, R&D chemistry co-located to east end of TLA with improved integration with clean room Consolidated R&D labs with similar purposes Vertical attach clean room isolated from main ISO-4 clean room used for cavity processing and assembly via an air lock Longer dedicated cryomodule assembly rail systems to enable simultaneous activities
SRF Facilities in JLab TEDF TEDF Project SRF Facilities in JLab TEDF Chemistry, cavity treatments, and support areas R&D Advanced Conceptual Design 4/1/09 Cavity and cryomodule cryo/RF testing Cleanroom Fabrication Cryomodule assembly New
SRF Work Centers in New Test Lab Physics Cryomodule Test Vertical Test Area & Electronics Shop Cryomodule Assembly 1st and 2nd Floor Offices Vertical Attachment Parts Clean and Etch R&D Chem Lab R&D Labs QA/CMM & Tuning Process Support Area Clean Room R&D Clean Lab Fabrication Machine Shop Electron beam Welding Furnaces
JLAB future plans Short (2012-2014) install and commission 12 GeV machine Medium (2015 – 2030) Run 12 GeV physics program (50+ experiments approved) Exploit SRF core capabilities and new infrastructures work for others Prepare EIC (Electron Ion Collider) Long (2030+) “Bid for” and build a EIC at JLAB
Electron collider ring Medium Energy EIC@JLab JLab Concept Initial configuration (MEIC): 3-11 GeV on 20-100 GeV ep/eA collider fully-polarized, longitudinal and transverse luminosity: up to few x 1034 e-nucleons cm-2 s-1 Upgradable to higher energies (250 GeV protons) Pre-booster Ion source Transfer beam line Medium energy IP Electron collider ring (3 to 11 GeV) Injector 12 GeV CEBAF SRF linac Warm large booster (up to 20 GeV) Cold ion collider ring (up to 100 GeV)
Jefferson Lab Electron Ion Collider Activity Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 12 GeV Upgrade FRIB EIC Physics Case NSAC LRP EIC CD0 EIC Machine Design/R&D EIC CD1/Downsel EIC CD2/CD3 EIC Construction
Conclusions The 12 GeV Upgrade for CEBAF at JLAB is progressing well and the start of commissioning is planned for the fall of 2013. A robust program of physics running will follow. JLAB will complete a doubling of its SRF infrastructure in summer 2013 greatly enhancing its future SRF R&D and production capabilities. An electron-ion collider is the long-term strategic goal of the laboratory. The conceptual design for a MEIC at JLAB has been published in August 2012.
Acknowledgements All JLAB staff working towards the 12 GeV Upgrade for their scientific and technical input For direct contributions to the slides: M. Drury, J. Guo, J. Hogan, K. Hovater, W. Merz, H. Montgomery, C. Reece, T. Reilly, C. Rode, T. Satogata.
Backup slides
12 GeV cavities “Yield” from VTA testing Only one cavity required a second EP – that due to HPR wand strikes – then fine: C100-8 2 – fab. geometry issues 1 – quench defect @ 19 MV/m Field emission cleaned-up with 2nd HPR “Nb surface” prep was not an issue, but reliable cleanliness and cryo leaks were
Microphonics First 4 Cavities Cryomodule C100-1 Last 4 Cavities Several resonance modes in the structure 10 Hz mode was a dominate mode which involved the entire string. The first half of the string was 180° out of phase with the second half of the string Last 4 Cavities How one determines klystron margin in lightly loaded cavities. Good shot of the cavities doing their own thing. Not vector sum friendly! Point out the stiffened tuner in C100-4 and the impact on the better microphponics. Mechanical modes at 11, 22 and 43 Hz (check with Kirk) are seen on the graphs. Can be a driver for RF power and field control issues. Must be measured in situ with a complete cryomodule Sometimes it is possible to address problems with minor fixes.
SRF Work Centers in Test Lab Fabrication Physics Electron Beam Welding Machine Shop R&D Clean Labs Offices R&D Chem Lab Cryomodule Test Cryomodule Assembly Parts Clean & Etch Clean Room(s) Electropolish Weld Shop QA/CMM Vertical Test Area & Electronics Shop Test Lab 1st Floor R&D Lab Tuning & Furnace Work Stations (3rd flr) Test Lab 2nd Floor R&D Labs Offices