No “ownership” of issues Little outreach to smaller chambers GOAL: Institutionalize a now informal process for identifying regional issues impacting business and developing policy positions 24 business organizations have limited policy coordination through the Bay Area Council No “ownership” of issues Little outreach to smaller chambers No dedicated staff support
Housing, Transportation, Water, Economic Development, etc Housing, Transportation, Water, Economic Development, etc. are regional in scope. Business community seldom responds to these issues in regional fashion Bay Area Council recognizes shortcomings of current Bay Biz process. Will support a model that incorporates more buy-in from region's business organizations. Management of issues identification needs to be rotated in order to institutionalize on-going policy discussions Dedicated staff to oversee issues research and policy implementation
NEXT STEPS Identify broader base of regional business organizations Implement issues identification process Implement rotation of staff support from key associations (quarterly, yearly?) Incorporate internship program from business or public policy graduate schools to provide on-going research Foundation financial support