COURSE PLANNING For Grade 10 2017
GRADUATION = 80 CREDITS MINIMUM Graduation Program GRADUATION = 80 CREDITS MINIMUM in Grade 10, 11 & 12 Graduation alone doesn’t automatically mean post-secondary entrance – the courses you take are what determine what new doors will open for you once you leave MBSS!
Grade 10 required courses Science 10 and Social Studies 10 will be assigned to all gr. 10 students. Physical Education Dance 10 PE 10 Electives Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3 English English 10 English 10 First Peoples Mathematics Pre-calculus 10 Workplace 10 32 credits
Typical Day for Grade 10s Day Starts at 9:00am Day Ends at 3:22pm Period 1 - Math Period 5 - Science Break Period 2 - Math Period 6 – Science Lunch Period 3 - Woodwork Period 7 – PE Period 4 – Woodwork Period 8 – Social Studies Linear vs. Semester courses. PE / SS 10 are usually linear for most Gr 10s.
GRADE 10 Grade 10 Requirements a Mathematics 10 Social Studies 10 an English 10 a Physical Education 10 Science 10 Students MUST have a minimum of 8 courses in the timetable at MBSS! GRADE 10 Outside Timetable courses are above and beyond the minimum 8 they must have in the timetable! Students should have a minimum of 32 credits by the end of Grade 10.
Fine Arts and Applied Skills Includes Visual Arts, Theatre and Music Applied Skills: Includes Computer Media, Tech Ed, Human Services, Business and Home Ec. You will need to take at least 1 course (4 credits) of this during your time at MBSS. Usually not an issue for students, but good to know.
English Stress the fact that EFP 10 is an academic course on the same level as EN 10 – it just uses Aboriginal literature and content to teach the skills required at the grade 10 level.
Foundations of Math / Pre-Calculus 10 Mathematics Workplace Math 10 Foundations of Math / Pre-Calculus 10 Oversimplified paths?… stress the importance of looking forward to post-secondary options and knowing their own abilities in math, if students are concerned. To: College, Trades or Entry to Workplace To: College or University Programs
Mathematics Stress the fact that EFP 10 is an academic course on the same level as EN 10 – it just uses Aboriginal literature and content to teach the skills required at the grade 10 level.
Physical Education
Science10 !!!!!! Science YOUR CHOICE IS…. In other words… you don’t GET a choice! Grade 11 begins to branch out into Physics, Chem, Bio, Earth Science, Sci Tech…
Social Studies 10 !!!!!! Social Studies YOUR CHOICE IS…. In other words… you don’t GET a choice!
Gr. 10 Required Course
Gr. 10 Electives Identify Analyze Action Monitor Control
Technology Education Elective choices that students MAY choose… stress the need to have 3 electives and at least 2 alternates!
Home Economics Elective choices that students MAY choose… stress the need to have 3 electives and at least 2 alternates!
Human Services Elective choices that students MAY choose… stress the need to have 3 electives and at least 2 alternates!
Languages May want to discuss the idea of languages for post-secondary-bound students. “Nsilxcen” is Okanagan language. Japanese and German may be offered in alternating years.
Sports and Leisure Education The specialty PE courses and academies can be taken as a PE 10 credit (except Golf). Academies have fees attached to them – more on that later. Outside the timetable
Visual and Performing Arts Band and choir are linear courses. Note the mandatory Concert Band 10 outside the timetable for interested students. Direct questions to their middle school music teacher or Craig Thomson if in doubt.
Outside the Timetable Discuss what this means. Morning / after school sessions on set days during the school year.
Academies NOTE: Baseball and Golf meet outside the timetable. These are generally directed towards those who have some background in the sport.
ACADEMY OF INDIGENOUS STUDIES The Academy of Indigenous Studies is a full 20-credit program that can be taken by all students in the Central Okanagan Public School system throughout grades 10 through 12. While a broad focus on British Columbia First Nations culture is examined, students will experience a more holistic approach with the local Okanagan culture
COMPLETED FORMS DUE: JANUARY 30TH Show what a completed form looks like filled in. Discuss the need for alternates. Due back to classroom teacher by due date.
Course Planning Guide Under: Programs/Courses Course Offerings Contact Information – p. 3 Grad Requirements – p. 4 FAQ Page – p. 5 Course Descriptions If time, show students these couple of key pages that can help with conversations at home with parents. These would have been handed out to students last week and/or are available online on our website. 2017-2018
Course Selection Timeline January 26th – Parent Info Night at 6:00 January 30th – Course Selections DUE! Spring 2017 – Course Verifications June 2017 – Course Schedules for Sept. Summer 2017 – Mail out home course schedule LINK Crew Orientation. Let students know that we’ll be back to complete the course selection process with them the week of Feb 10th. They NEED to have their selections made by then. Talk up the parent info night – it’s being publicized by the middle schools for us as well.
Plan Carefully! Careful course selection is KEY! What you choose now will impact what courses we offer, and will shape your schedule in September! Make thoughtful choices – keep doors open for the future! What they choose now will impact our timetable and making changes in September will likely be difficult if not impossible! Don’t worry about going too deep into post-secondary options and future careers at this point.
FAQs! What if I change my mind about courses in September? Can I take a Grade 11 class? Do I have to take a language in Grade 10? I want to take French, but I did not take it in Grade 9? Which Math class should I choose? What they choose now will impact our timetable and making changes in September will likely be difficult if not impossible! Don’t worry about going too deep into post-secondary options and future careers at this point.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in September at MBSS!!