Making an Appointment Last week you learned about different types of healthcare providers. To meet with them, you will need to make an appointment. Here, we will go over how to make an appointment.
Have these items ready Insurance card, if you have one Name, birthdate, phone number – For you or your child or spouse Your schedule Reason for the visit Name of the healthcare provider When making an appointment, you should have or know the following: An insurance card, if you have one The name, birthdate, phone number for you or your child or spouse. You are able to make appointments for your children or spouse. Your schedule so you know when you are free The reason for the visit The name of the healthcare provider
The Conversation Receptionist: Hello, this is the North Texas Clinic. How can I help you? Patient: My name is John Doe and I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Flores. Receptionist: Have you been here before or are you a new patient? Patient: I am a new patient. Receptionist: What is your birthdate? Patient: July 25, 1976. **Have students alternate reading the role of the patient and receptionist. Highlight the text in green which shows the items mentioned on the first slide**
The Conversation Continued Receptionist: What is the reason for your visit? Patient: I need my annual physical. Receptionist: How is next Tuesday at 8 am? Patient: Let me check my schedule…Okay that works. Receptionist: Let me just get your insurance information… Insurance information will be read straight from the card in your hand
Appointment Expectations This portion is about what to expect when you get to the appointment.
When you get there… Check-in at the front office – tell them your name and appointment time For your first visit, they will make a copy of your photo identification and insurance card Take a seat in the waiting room until they call you back When you first get there, check-in at the front office by telling them your name and appointment time. They may have a sheet for you to sign or paperwork for you to fill out at your first visit. You will also need to bring your photo identification and your insurance card for them to copy. Once you have signed-in and filled out paperwork, you will wait in the waiting room until someone calls you to the back.
Once they call you to the back… A nurse will call you back to take your height and weight You will go to the exam room where the nurse will measure your vital signs Blood pressure Temperature Pulse The nurse will leave and the doctor will enter in a few minutes A nurse will call you back to take your height and weight. You will then be taken to the exam room where the nurse will measure your vital signs, such as blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. The nurse may ask you some initial questions about the reason for your visit. The nurse will then leave and the doctor will enter in a few minutes.
Video Clips Watch this clip for some helpful appointment tips Watch this clip to see an example of a doctor visit
After the Appointment
Be sure to review: Any directions from the visit Medications Restrictions Follow-up items Any follow-up visits for date and time After the appointment make sure to review any directions from the doctor. They will give you a sheet with a summary of the visit and any directions for later. If you get a prescription, be sure to go fill it and take it as written. Ask the pharmacist if you have any questions. If the doctor tells you that you can’t do something, like run for a few days, make sure you know the details of the restriction. The doctor may also give you other directions, like get more exercise, and you should listen to those too. You may have another appointment with the same doctor or a different one. Make sure you know when the next appointment is or if you need to call another doctor to make an appointment. This can happen if your doctor refers you to a specialist like those we reviewed last week.