NAMA Support Projects- 2nd call - Tajikistan
Forestry NAMA Support Project, Tajikistan Country: Tajikistan Project outcome (preliminary): Rehabilitated and newly established forests with autochthonous, climate-resilient tree species contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and provide ecosystem services and are managed sustainably by the local people/private sector and LSFEs
Forestry NAMA Support Project, Tajikistan Project volume (indicative): 12.8 Mio EUR Project duration: 5 years Status: Appraisal Delivery Organization: KfW / GIZ Partner ministries / implementing partner/s: Ministry for Economic Development and Trade, State Forest Agency
Transformational Change This is the way how we trigger transformation : Transform the lock-in of the Tajik forest sector from a shadow-economy by: investment in human and technical capacity; support enabling incentives for a market driven low- carbon development of the forest sector in Tajikistan.
Transformational Change The project aims at (preliminary numbers!): (M1) Direct carbon sequestration of up to 309 000 tCO2 and indirect mitigation effect of up to 1 700 000 tCO2 until 2030. (M2) Benefitting ca. 2 500 households through legal access to forest products, 7 500 households from improved ecosystem services and (number to be defined) employees in the forest sector. (M3) Develop 6 State Forest Enterprises into lighthouse business cases for low-carbon development. (M4) Increase public investment in sustainable forest management. (M5) Mobilize private investments of ca. 2 500 households and (number to be defined) small to medium sized investors for low carbon development in the forest sector.