S05/01 ‘Prayer idea’ www.scriptureunion.org.uk/light Page 1 of 9 © Scripture Union 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

S05/01 ‘Prayer idea’ www.scriptureunion.org.uk/light Page 1 of 9 © Scripture Union 2007

Thank you that you give life. Dear God, Thank you that you give life. You give life to our planet, to our oceans, to all the creatures on the earth and to all people. Thank you for life on earth. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Help us to love life like you. Dear God, Thank you that even when life isn’t what you hoped it would be, you continue to love your creation and sustain the life you created. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Help us to love life like you. Dear God, Thank you that you have experienced life like us. Thank you that you came to the earth that you created and lived as a creature with us. Thank you for living and dying with us. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Thank you for showing us that your son Jesus is life. Dear God, Thank you for showing us that your son Jesus is life. Thank you that when we know him, we know life. Thank you that life in Christ is abundant and beautiful. Thank you that the life of Jesus is stronger than death, that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Help us to love life like you. Dear God, Thank you for being with us in every season of our lives: for laughing with us in the good times and crying with us in the bad times. Thank you for the community of Jesus, for our church, where we share our lives together. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Thank you that you always desire life. Dear God, Thank you that you always desire life. Thank you that sometimes we experience your healing power over sickness and death. Thank you that we always experience the life of your Son through grace. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Thank you for your assurance that one day life will be different. Dear God, Thank you for your assurance that one day life will be different. Although we may suffer in this life, in your coming kingdom, we shall experience full-on, abundant life in your presence. There shall be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. Thank you for life to come. Help us to love life like you. Amen.

Help us to love life like you. Dear God, Thank you for life. Help us to love life like you. Amen