UNIT 10 Chapter 29 – The Great War WORLD WAR I
CHAPTER 29 The Great War, 1914–1918 SECTION 2 Europe Plunges into War Several factors lead to World War I, a conflict that devastates Europe and has a major impact on the world. SECTION 1 Marching Toward War SECTION 2 Europe Plunges into War SECTION 3 A Global Conflict SECTION 4 A Flawed Peace Allied soldiers climbing over trenches on first day of the costly Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916).
OBJECTIVES CORE OBJECTIVE: Analyze the causes and effects of World War I. Objective 10.2: Describe the military events that developed on the Western and Eastern fronts. THEME: At the beginning of the 20th century, a terrible war begins in Europe that will claim over 8 million lives.
CHAPTER 29 SECTION 2 EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR One European nation after another is drawn into a large and industrialized war that results in many casualties.
WAR BEGINS Armies on the March Nations Take Sides Russia moves troops to its borders with Austria and Germany Germany declares war on Russia, quickly attacks France Great Britain declares war on Germany Nations Take Sides By mid-August 1914, two sides at war throughout Europe: Central & Allied Powers WRITE THIS DOWN! Central Powers — Germany, Austria-Hungary Allies — Britain, France, Russia (each side includes other nations) By September 1914, the war reached a stalemate, a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage.
STALEMATE Western Front — battle zone in northern France Schlieffen Plan — German plan to defeat France quickly, then fight Russia With the Schlieffen Plan, Germany nearly takes Paris Germany forced to retreat at First Battle of the Marne Schlieffen Plan fails; Germany has to fight two-front war WRITE THIS DOWN!
The Battle of the Marne
NEW WEAPONS Neither soldiers nor officers were prepared for the new, highly efficient killing machines (ex – machine guns) used in World War I. Machine guns, hand grenades, artillery shells, and poison gas killed thousands of soldiers who left their trenches to attack the enemy. New weapons only lead to more deaths Massive losses for both sides at 1916 battles of Verdun and Somme Verdun (Feb. 1916): 600,000 die for Germans to gain 4 miles of land New Weaponry dramatically increases death totals: Poison Gas, Machine Guns, Tanks, Submarines WRITE THIS DOWN!
Poison Gas Machine Gun By far, the most devastating new weapon introduced was the machine gun. It changed warfare forever and led to the development of Trench Warfare. Why staelemate Machine guns led
TRENCH WARFARE Conflict descends into trench warfare — armies fighting from trenches (ditches dug into the ground) Battles result in many deaths, small land gains Life in trenches is miserable, difficult, unsanitary German Trenches
NO MAN’S LAND Opposing trenches were separated by an empty “no man’s land.” This describes the area of land between two enemy trench systems to which neither side wished to move openly or to seize due to fear of being attacked by the enemy in the process. Small gains in land resulted in huge numbers of human casualties.
FAST FACTS: LIFE IN THE TRENCHES What was life like in a trench? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8HmPNgOC2Q
TRENCH WARFARE WHY STALEMATE? Machine guns led to the creation of trenches Trench warfare meant that no side advanced very often
STRUCTURE OF TRENCHES Structure and Conditions of Trenches Zig-zag pattern Multiple lines Wire & sandbag Video on Structure: https://www.yo utube.com/watch ?v=FvYIIuxh2kY
FIGHTING IN RUSSIA Early Fighting Russia Struggles WRITE THIS DOWN! Early Fighting Eastern Front — site of main fighting along the German-Russian border Russians push into Austria and Germany, but soon forced to retreat Russia Struggles Russia’s war effort suffering by 1916; many casualties, few supplies Huge size of Russian army keeps it a formidable force prevents Germany from sending more troops to the Western Front
The War in Europe, 1914–1918
War in Europe ASSESSMENT What is a stalemate? (A) When countries come together to make treaties outlawing war (B) a new style of war that uses new technologies like poison gas (C) a type of warfare fought in underground ditches (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage Which of these is best describes the eastern front? (A) German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia (B) heavy battle zone in northern France (C) site of main fighting along the German-Russian border
War in Europe ASSESSMENT What is a stalemate? (A) When countries come together to make treaties outlawing war (B) a new style of war that uses new technologies like poison gas (C) a type of warfare fought in underground ditches (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage Which of these is best describes the eastern front? (A) German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia (B) heavy battle zone in northern France (C) site of main fighting along the German-Russian border