1968 A Tumultuous Year Ms. Ha Ch. 22 Sec. 4
I. The Tet Offensive A. Vietnamese New Year 1. January 30, 1968 2. Week long truce a) Celebrate New Year: firecrackers, flutes b) Bury the war dead: coffins
B. Vietcong: surprise attack 1. Over 100 towns 2. Inside coffins: weapons 3. Lasted for a month 4. VC: military defeat 32,000 dead 5. ARVN: 3,000 dead
C. Westmoreland: correct 1. Psychological: U.S. shaken 2. Moderates now: no more war 3. New Secretary of Defense: Clark Clifford
a) Studied situation: no way to win b) Johnson’s popularity dropped
D. Two major assassinations 1. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2. Robert Kennedy 3. Continued campus protests
Both Assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr. Robert Kennedy
E. Richard M. Nixon 1. New President in 1968 2. Promised to restore order & leave Vietnam
Richard M. Nixon Election of 1968