How to become a KCBS( Kansas City Barbeque Society) Judge Or I love BBQ and what am I going to do about it ????
Classes Each year in Minnesota there is at least one class to become a judge. Go to WWW.KCBS.US view under classes. You can search via state, etc. for classes all over the world. Sign up and let the fun begin. The cost will include class, food to judge and a one year membership in KCBS. You will need to be a member in good standing(paid) in order to judge. You will also get a copy of the monthly Bull Sheet which is their newsletter. The class will go over criteria and how to judge. After taking the oath. You are a judge and you will get a judging number and badge in the mail.
The Oath OATH: I do solemnly swear to objectively and subjectively evaluate each Barbeque meant that is presented to my eyes, my nose. My hands and my palate. I accept my duty to be ( insert contest name) Official KCBS Certified Judge, so that truth, justice, excellence in Barbeque and the American Way of Life may be strengthened and preserved forever. Judges take this seriously. Cooks have spent time, money and hard work to make this BBQ. We as well should and do take judging seriously.
How to start judging Many contests in Minnesota use Create a profile and sign up for contests. You may get in right away or you may be placed on a waiting list. Have patience. Many organizer's don’t know the amount of teams they will have until closer to the contest. People also find they can’t judge and someone on the waiting list can and do take their place. Some contest organizer’s take applications as well. Go to the KCBS website. You will see a list of contests all over the world. There will also be contact information for that contest. Also many states have their own BBQ society such as . They will have contests listed as well. Your membership helps support BBQ in that state.
At the contest There will be a judges meeting . This is mandatory and please do not be late. Most contests will have Chicken, Ribs, Pulled Pork and Brisket There also many be some ancillary categories. The KCBS representative will go over rules and requests for that contest. They will also present the Oath . After the meeting please do not drink anything but water and eat anything but crackers. No smoking of any kind as well. Note you should not sit with a spouse or relative . They will adjust the tables of six to have a mix of judges. If you have any questions or concerns there will be a KCBS representative and or a contest representative you can talk to about your concerns.
Additional education KCBS also has a Table Captain class. This will certify you to be a table captain at contests. Being one also give you more options to get into contests. A table captain presents the items to judge and maintains order at the judging table You can become a Master Judge as well. Refer to for more information. You will become hooked BBQ people are some of the most friendly fun people out there. Enjoy this new adventure.