On The Break-even Point Between Cloud-Assisted and Legacy Routing Prasun Kanti Dey (prasun@knights.ucf.edu) Dr. Murat Yuksel (murat.yuksel@ucf.edu) 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking 3-5 OCTOBER 2016 // PISA, ITALY
1. Introduction SDN for centralization better management Unaddressed challenges of SDN/ Traditional routers Scalability Cost of the router Cisco ASR 1013 Router costs almost $30,000 ~ $50,000
Forwarding Task (for delegated pkts) Evolution of Router Architectures Forwarding Task (for delegated pkts) OpenFlow switches already does the statistics and send them to Controller.
By leveraging the cloud’s memory and computation resources, can we actually remedy the routing scalability and economics issues?
2. Comparative Cost Models Let, F = FIB size (in bits) l = % of entire FIB in local router d = $/bit cost of storage for DRAM c = $/bit cloud storage cost z = $/bit transit cost for delegated packets 𝜌(𝑙) = Traffic delegated to cloud ($/bit) PRX FULL FIB, F (in bits) Storage cost, c ($/bit) Increasing <10% covers >90% of pkts Increase/ decrease Exponential decay Decreasing function of l Delegated Traffic Transit cost, z ($/bit) Partial FIB, l (% of entire FIB) RX Storage cost, d ($/bit) Traffic FULL FIB, F (in bits) RX Storage cost, d ($/bit) Traffic Traditional routing cost, <local DRAM storage> 𝐶=𝑑𝐹 CAR cost, <local DRAM storage> + <cloud storage> + <transit to cloud> 𝐶 =𝑑𝐹𝑙+𝑐𝐹+𝑧𝜌 𝑙
But, it is pretty unpredictable. DRAM Price (d) Exponential decrease in the overall DRAM price trend – following Moore’s Law But, it is pretty unpredictable. 𝑑 𝑡 =1,333,125.27 𝑒 −0.05𝑡 Source: http://www.jcmit.com/memoryprice.htm
Consistent exponential decay Cloud Price Trends Consistent exponential decay Source: http://www.rightscale.com/blog/cloud-cost-analysis/google-vs-aws-pricing-google-cuts-are-first-2015
Cloud Storage Price (c) Source: http://www.cloudberrylab.com/blog/amazon-s3-azure-and-google-cloud-prices-compare/ https://virtualizationreview.com/articles/2015/03/31/amazon-cuts-cloud-storage-prices-to-nearly-nothing.aspx
Quite steady exponential decay Transit Price (z) Quite steady exponential decay z 𝑡 =2,203.6 𝑒 −0.456𝑡 Source: 1. http://drpeering.net/white-papers/Internet-Transit-Pricing-Historical-And-Projected.php 2. Dynamic behavior of differential pricing and Quality of Service options for the Internet By P. C. Fishburn and A. M. Odlyzko.
3. Cloud vs. DRAM Price CAR may be beneficial Break-even
Max local FIB size so that CAR can be economically viable. Break-even after 96 months Max local FIB size so that CAR can be economically viable.
4. Conclusion & Future work Presented Price trends, Proposed cost model and break-even <70% of local FIB means, CAR is cheaper then Traditional. Redis based cloud economics. Cloud Service, Local Router Management cost has to be included Must follow Net Neutrality
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