Presentation to Asha @ MIT Dr. K. (Subbu) Subramanian President, STIMS Institute Inc. Director, AASAI ( ) AASAI – American Association for the Social Advancement of India US 501c registered NGO Mr. Narasimhan Raghavan, Chairman Topics for Today: AASAI working models My visit to Kalanjiam and impressions Future topics? Real world lessons for professionals Spirituality in Practice
American Association for the Social Advancement of India (AASAI) Support NGOs for advancements through: Health Care Education Social Welfare Projects that are: Self-sustaining - Help others so they can help themselves. Match the needs and skills challenges of the under – privileged Synergy and sharing of resources that multiply the impact of donor contributions through : Networking, sharing of skills, resources and knowledge across NGOs Synergy that multiplies the velocity and impact of donations. Promote mutual economic benefits that leads to self - sustainability Every one can contribute something; Self – sustaining; Impact and Velocity
AASAI - Highlights of our accomplishments in 2014: More than 500 children receive high quality education normally available only to privileged families More than 300 children now bike to school, rather than walk, which minimizes school dropouts Several mentally ill men and women receive free care and rehabilitation training Numerous children with autism and cerebral palsy receive special training to become independent Many women in villages around Chennai are pre-screened for cancer and have free access to health centers Nearly 50 women receive tailoring skills to become independent wage earners; by the year they will be100 strong. AASAI n Pudhumai, store for used goods generates income that provides shelter for abused and mentally ill women. AASAI supported NGOs share their skills and resources for mutual benefits and success in their common goals.
AASAI n Pudhumai: Self Sustaining Model at Rehoboth - Home For Women in Need
A cycle of projects that lead to Self-sufficiency @ Shanthivanam Waste to wealth Vermiculite Fertilizer Land Reclamation Agriculture (Rice, Flower and Hay) Facilities and resources Goshala (Milk) Bio-gas Fuel Barren to Bounty
Every one can contribute something -- Matching resources with skills Interns with basic motor skills Hospital Needs Linen/Pillow covers Engagement, Employment, Self-respect, Dignity In – kind Donations: Garment, Machine Parents of Day Care Patients Revenue: Stitched clothes for end users Volunteer resources & Net-work
AASAI - Network Cleaning Products Thrift Store Tailored Garments Psychiatric healthcare support Medical health care support Linens/ Pillow covers Health Care Products
AASAI engagement Model: Impact (multiplier effect) and Velocity Cash Donation In – kind Donations Net-work; Know-how, Concepts Hospital Supplies Medical services for needy Employment, Engagement, Dignity Revenue; sustainability Routine health care Specialist Support Preventive Care Milk, Fuel, Fertilizer Garments Thrift Store -- Education -- Health Care -- Social Welfare
AASAI Supported NGOs – Few Examples: TRUST - Shanthivanam SriVidyasram Siva Shantha Trust
AASAI Projects @ Kalanjiam Tailoring Institute Free tuition for 14 students per class 45 days per course Female students selected from local villages adopted by Kalnjiam A professional tailor with motivation to teach (partially paid for services) Students stitch bed sheets and pillow covers – used at VHS Hospital (another AASAI supported NGO) Several students after graduation become professional tailors: Stitch cloths for their own family Professionals tailors earning income. Empowerment of women: Enhanced self-respect and respect in the society
AASAI Project @ Kalanjiam: Tailoring Institute Tailoring unit On the roof top E Elumalai Tailoring Teacher Motivational Force Anu Leader; Visionary
Ingredients for success of AASAI Projects Motivated Students Teacher with Commitment Periodic Informal Review Attendance and Performance Tracking
AASAI supports re-building of homes Lost by Kalanjiam supported villagers Local leaders assess the need with Kalnjiam leadership Anu Raviraaj Director Identify those with true need Kalanjiam staff meticulously Manage all details Timely help with minimum of paper work
supports education of children from their adopted villages. Kalanjiam supports education of children from their adopted villages. Kalanjiam staff monitor and mentor all students Records – education and personal – are maintained for each student They volunteer them time for after school tutoring and counselling Successful students supported as far as they can progress – into higher education.
AASAI Project @ Kalanjiam: Bi-cycle Initiative to reduce school dropout Students travel as much as 10 Km each way, with poor and expensive bus facility Bi – cycle use increases school attendance and reduces drop out. Kalnjiam volunteers monitor and communicate by cell phone tracking students and their travel, which ensures attendance and safety of the students. Thoughts for the future: What is the education needed for the future? Education and employability ?
Future Topics: Real world lessons for professionals Learn to swim against the tide of Binary Economy? System Thinking and Transformational Skills 135 Essays Examples: Astu: So be it Why am I a vegetarian? Objectivity: What is it? How is your relationship? Truth and its limits Mind over matter
Thank You!