Instructors MUST submit the following prior to any student beginning their rotations…
Criminal Background Check All students must have a CURRENT background check on file at ODEMSA prior to start of rotations
Student Vaccination Record Should include Hepatitis B Tetanus shot MUST be current Flu shot may be required This will depend on hospital policy
HIPAA & Safety Test Graded Answer Sheet each student
Class Roster Include names of all enrolled students Instructor name & contact information
FISDAP Scheduler Students must obtain access to FISDAP scheduler. This can be purchased through WWW.FISDAP.NET EMT-Basic (ER ONLY) $15.00 per student Program code is ODEMSA766-SB EMT-Intermediate (WITH INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION ALL EXCEPT PICU) $40.00 per student Program code is ODEMSA766-SI EMT-Paramedic (ANY CLINICAL AREA PERMITTED BY INSTRUCTOR) Program code is ODEMSA766-SA
Deadline Emergency Room at Chippenham and JW All other clinical areas 8 days prior to rotation All other clinical areas 20th day of previous calendar month
Reminder to Students Arrive at scheduled time (double check if needed) Unit reserves the right to deny entry to any student who arrives after scheduled start of shift Arrive prepared to begin clinical experience Bring Proper ID MUST BE SIGNED UP through FISDAP or you will not be allowed access.