Welcome to Jeopardy!
Directions: This game will be like real Jeopardy except for a few changes Each team will participate in every question After each question is read, teams will have time to discuss amongst themselves and write their answer on the dry erase board Every team will provide and answer for each question There is no penalty for providing an incorrect answer, EXCEPT during Final Jeopardy and a Daily Double question Team getting to pick the question will rotate, since everyone participates in every question The group that picks a Daily Double answers the question on their own and can wager any amount of their total points $ amounts will be tracked on the PowerPoint, but designate someone within your group to monitor your own score and someone to mark off categories and questions asked You MUST wager at least half of your total points in Final Jeopardy The winner of the game will be the team with the highest $ amount at the end
Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Team 2 Team 1 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5
Hitler Government Axis Powers Japan Wildcard Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Hitler’s political party $100 Hitler’s political party
$100 Nazi Scores
$200 Hitler’s book
$200 Mein Kampf Scores
$300 Hitler was upset with this treaty that ended World War I because of its harsh treatment
$300 Treaty of Versailles Scores
Hitler demanded this part of Czechoslovakia in the Munich Settlement $400 Hitler demanded this part of Czechoslovakia in the Munich Settlement
$400 Sudetenland Scores
Czechoslovakia – Norway--Poland- Austria – France $500 Put the following countries in order of which Hitler took over first to last Czechoslovakia – Norway--Poland- Austria – France
Austria – Czechoslovakia- Poland – Norway – France $500 Austria – Czechoslovakia- Poland – Norway – France Scores
$100 Facist leader of Italy
$100 Benito Mussolini Scores
Term for a government that has complete control of daily life $200 Term for a government that has complete control of daily life
$200 Totalitarianism Scores
Another word for dictatorship $300 Another word for dictatorship
$300 Fascism Scores
Daily Double
$400 When the Depression hit Europe these countries used a more socialistic approach to solve their problems (Not on test)
Scandinavian countries $400 Scandinavian countries Scores
$500 Under this program weapons were sold to Allies on a cash and carry basis
$500 Lend-Lease Act Scores
$100 Name the Axis powers
$100 Germany, Italy, Japan Scores
Name of Mussolini’s followers $200 Name of Mussolini’s followers
$200 Blackshirts Scores
$300 Stalin took land away from the Russian people and established government owned ________
$300 Farms Scores
Stalin believed in rapid _____________ $400 Stalin believed in rapid _____________
$400 Industrialization Scores
$500 Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler…Who took over their respective country first, second, last
$500 Mussolini - 1924 Stalin – 1928 Hitler - 1933 Scores
$100 The leader of Japan who made all decisions prior to WWII was given the title of _________
$100 Emperor Scores
The Japanese invaded this neighbor in 1937 $200 The Japanese invaded this neighbor in 1937
$200 China Scores
Japan invaded this oil rich Chinese province in 1931 $300 Japan invaded this oil rich Chinese province in 1931
$300 Manchuria Scores
What were the Neutrality Acts? $400 What were the Neutrality Acts?
$400 Laws passed by U.S. Congress to keep out of foreign wars by preventing the sale & loan of weapons to countries at war Scores
In the summer of 1941, the U.S. stopped the sale of _____ to Japan $500 In the summer of 1941, the U.S. stopped the sale of _____ to Japan
$500 Oil Scores
$100 Means “Lightning War”
$100 Blitzkrieg Scores
U.S. President at end of WWII $200 U.S. President at end of WWII
$200 Truman Scores
Date of Pearl Harbor attack $300 Date of Pearl Harbor attack
$300 December 7, 1941 Scores
$400 The harsh Russian winter and battles in city blocks doomed the German army at the Battle of ___________
$400 Stalingrad Scores
$500 He was leader of the temporary French government & army headquartered in London after the takeover
$500 Charles de Gaulle Scores
War in Europe Battles War in Pacific Holocaust Wildcard Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
World War II began with the invasion of this country $200 World War II began with the invasion of this country
$200 Poland Scores
Term for an area of land where no military occupation is allowed $400 Term for an area of land where no military occupation is allowed
$400 Demilitarized Zone Scores
U.S. general in charge of D-Day attack $600 U.S. general in charge of D-Day attack
$600 Eisenhower Scores
Hitler & Stalin’s agreement to avoid war $800 Hitler & Stalin’s agreement to avoid war
$800 Nonaggression pact Scores
Prime Minister of France & Britain during Munich Settlement $1000 Prime Minister of France & Britain during Munich Settlement
$1000 Chamberlin & Daladier Scores
Surprise attack by Japan on American Naval fleet in Hawaii $200 Surprise attack by Japan on American Naval fleet in Hawaii
$200 Pearl Harbor Scores
Daily Double
$400 This man was in charge of occupying Japan after its surrender in WWII. He helped establish a constitution and new economy
$400 Gen. Douglas MacArthur Scores
$600 This strategy developed by Admiral Nimitz allowed the U.S. to get close enough to Japan to launch air attacks
$600 Island Hopping Scores
$800 Which country was getting ready to help the U.S. defeat Japan right before the dropping of the A-bombs & surrender?
$800 Soviet Union Scores
$1000 Emperor of Japan who was forced to admit he wasn’t a god and give up power
$1000 Hirohito Scores
The first a-bomb was dropped on this city $200 The first a-bomb was dropped on this city
$200 Hiroshima Scores
Which side was invading? Which country was it invading? $400 D-Day Invasion: Which side was invading? Which country was it invading?
$400 Allies France Scores
This was Germany’s last offensive attack during WWII $600 This was Germany’s last offensive attack during WWII
$600 Battle of the Bulge Scores
$800 What was one reason (cited in PowerPoint) why the British were able to withstand German attack during the summer of 1940 in the Battle of Britain?
British developed radar $800 British developed radar British stole German code machine called the Enigma, broke German code Scores
$1000 Which country’s army was the first to make it into Germany in the final months of WWII in Europe? (Not on test)
$1000 Soviet Union Scores
Hitler mainly targeted this group $200 Hitler mainly targeted this group
$200 Jews Scores
Many gas chambers and slave labor went on at these $400 Many gas chambers and slave labor went on at these
$400 Concentration camps Scores
Daily Double
$600 The “Angel of Death”…This Nazi doctor subjected people in concentration camps to sick medical experiments (not on test(
$600 Dr. Mengele Scores
Country where Hitler set up ghettos to send Jews $800 Country where Hitler set up ghettos to send Jews
$800 Poland Scores
$1000 What several Nazi officials had to face after Hitler and the war was over
$1000 Nuremberg Trials Scores
What was Hitler’s “Final Solution” $200 What was Hitler’s “Final Solution”
$200 Exterminate (kill) all Jews & undesirables (Slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, etc) Scores
He was President of the U.S. for most of WWII $400 He was President of the U.S. for most of WWII
$400 Franklin D. Roosevelt Scores
Who wanted them to retake France? $600 Churchill & FDR decided to invade this country before trying to retake France? Who wanted them to retake France?
$600 Italy Stalin Scores
General of Germany Army in Europe and Africa $800 General of Germany Army in Europe and Africa
$800 Erwin Rommel Scores
$1000 Allied powers in April 1941
$1000 Britain & France Scores
Final Jeopardy Question Allied Attacks Final Jeopardy Question Scores
After conquering North Africa the Allies set their sites on Italy After conquering North Africa the Allies set their sites on Italy. What was the first location of their attack on Italy? (Not on test)
Sicily Scores