Watershed Planning in the Pend Oreille River Basin in WA Presentation at Clark Fork Symposium April 1, 2005
Agenda Watershed Planning in WA WRIA 62 Planning Unit Technical Findings Plan Development Priorities for Implementation Questions and discussion any time
Watershed Planning in WA HB 2514 codified as The Watershed Planning Act (RCW 90.82) in 1998 Planning under RCW 90.82 "serves vital local interests by placing it in the hands of the people who have the greatest knowledge of both the resources and aspirations of those who live and work in the watershed and who have the greatest stake in the proper long-term management of the resources." IN 1998 GOV. LOCKE SIGNED HOUSE BILL 2514 --THE WATERSHED PLANNING ACT. THIS LAW ENABLES WATERSHEDS THROUGHOUT THE STATE TO ASSESS THEIR LAKES, STREAMS AND RIVERS TO DETERMINE THEIR HEALTH AND TO FORCAST FUTURE PROBLEMS OR ISSUES. THE ACT LEAVES IT UP TO LOCALLY DEVELOPED PLANNING UNITS TO DETERMINE THE PROCESS.
WRIA 62 Planning Unit Real Estate / Development Pend Oreille County Selkirk Alliance County Weed Board US Forest Service WA State (Ecology, WDFW) Conservation District Tri-State WQ Council Landowners (3) Pend Oreille County Public Utility District City of Newport Kalispel Tribe Agriculture Mining (Teck Cominco) Private Timber Industry (Ponderay Newsprint) Seattle City Light OUR PLANNING UNIT IS MADE UP OF A DIVERSE GROUP OF CONCERNED CITIZENS REPRESENTING IMPORTANT AREAS OF OUR LOCAL ECONOMY, THE TRIBE, AND CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES.
Planning Process Phase I - Organization Phase II - Technical Assessments Phase III - Watershed Management Plan Phase IV - Implementation WRIA 62 are here now !
Growth Population growth expected in the southern sub-basins and along Pend Oreille River. Coincides with stream flow restrictions.
Water Supply Water to support growth occurs primarily as groundwater supply to domestic wells and surface water in the Pend Oreille River. Aquifer recharge areas coincide with areas of population growth.
Water Quality Water quality is generally good. Concerns are temp, dissolved oxygen, pH, fecal coliform, total dissolved gas, exotic aquatic plants, sediment, some pesticides.
Plan Development Planning has occurred over 6 years as a consensus process. Planning Unit has: Identified issues; Developed actions to address issues; and, Prioritized actions for implementation.
Planning Unit Top Ten #10 Need to participate in the mainstem Pend Oreille TMDLs. ACTIONS: Strongly recommend that WA Dept of Ecology invite the Idaho Dept of Environmental Quality to develop an MOU to address development and implementation of TMDLs for the Pend Oreille River in Idaho and Washington.
Planning Unit Top Ten #10 Flood Control ACTIONS: Voice concerns regarding flooding in WRIA 62 with groups that influence river flows (e.g. Army Corps, Bonneville Power, NW Power Conservation Council, Idaho Fish and Game, Bureau of Reclamation). Identify changes to project operations that could improve flooding conditions in WRIA 62.
Planning Unit Top Ten #9 There is a need to assist local communities comply with water regulation. ACTIONS: Develop outreach materials.
Planning Unit Top Ten #7 Stream bank erosion is causing degraded riparian habitat and water quality. ACTIONS: Implement a study to identify the causes. Develop & implement a public education program. Assist landowners with bank stabilization strategies.
Planning Unit Top Ten #7 Road building and improper maintenance can negatively impact water quality and aquatic habitat. ACTIONS: Recommend Ecology provide additional on the ground support to ensure BMP implementation. Support new Ecology / WDFW / DOT effort to address potential problems at the design phase. Apply in WRIA 62.
Planning Unit Top Ten #6 There is a need to ensure meaningful community input to water regulation. ACTIONS: Provide information on processes where public input required / encouraged / allowed in regular "What's Coming" newspaper column.
Planning Unit Top Ten #5 Need to ensure that the watershed planning group is involved in instream flow studies, study recommendations and any instream flow rule-making in WRIA 62. ACTIONS: Obligate Ecology / WDFW to assist the Implementing Body with instream flow studies. Recommend the Legislature provide additional funds for instream flow studies.
Planning Unit Top Ten #4 To effectively address competing water needs, instream flow needs should be more fully understood where water demand is expected to increase. ACTIONS: Evaluate where and how to conduct instream flow studies in WRIA 62. Develop a presentation for Commissioners. Continue stream gaging in southern sub-basins.
Planning Unit Top Ten #2 When future minimum instream flows (MISFs) are established, any new water rights that are junior to the MISFs may be restricted when MISFs are not met. ACTIONS: Explore concept of water reservation for growth. Recommend Legislature provide for in-house and normal stock watering withdrawal when MISF not met.
Planning Unit Top Ten #2 Eurasian milfoil and other aquatic nuisance weeds pose a threat to native habitat and public safety. ACTIONS: Convene an aquatic plant management group. Establish and implement a public outreach and education program.
Planning Unit Top Ten #1 Need to integrate water supply data with land use / comprehensive planning. ACTIONS: Watershed Planning Implementing Body to become involved in County Planning processes. Pend Oreille County to consider water supply availability when updating landuse designations. Pend Oreille County to require proof of water availability from city / developer prior to amending Urban Growth boundaries.
Implementation Plan was approved by Planning Unit in mid-March 2005. Implementation begins when Plan is approved and signed by County Commissioners. $400,000 is available from the Legislature to support implementation over 5 years.
Thank You !
Pend Oreille River at Newport Expect one in ten year event when flow is less than 7,700 cfs for one month (typically August)