Effective Immediately Dance Protocol at WHS Effective Immediately
Contracts All students must have a contract signed by both student and parent/guardian submitted before purchase of tickets The first dance will be slightly different The contract must be handed into the main office by Friday 9/21 Contracts will be available in the main office and at the time and place of ticket sales Any guest must have the contract signed Before purchasing a ticket a contract must be handed in even if you walk in at the door One contract is acceptable for all dances in that school year
Wrist Bands Each student will receive a wrist band upon checking in to the dance Wrist bands are meant to be worn at all times during the dance Removal of the wrist band will signify a warning given to the student
Bathroom & Bag Checks Bathrooms will be checked periodically to make sure school policies are followed Bags are subject to be checked at anytime before, during or after the dance in the presence of selected student If any student fails to comply with the rules they will be dismissed from the dance and their parents will be contacted
Breathalyzers Checks may occur randomly on the way in and out of a dance Anyone who is suspected of being intoxicated will be tested immediately Anyone who fails the breathalyzer test will be dismissed immediately and parents will be contacted
Alcohol & Drugs Any student found under the influence will not be permitted to attend any of the remaining dances in that school year including the prom(s) It’s a no tolerance policy!
Strike System If a chaperone catches a student acting inappropriately the wrist band will be cut off This is your warning If that same student is disciplined a second time he or she will be dismissed from the dance Strike One Upon receiving the first strike that student will not be permitted to attend the next dance even if it is the Junior or Senior Prom
Strike System If in the same school year that student is dismissed from another dance… Strike Two Banned for the remainder of dances during that school year including the prom(s) Any student who receives two strikes in one school year will have a one strike limit the following school year (if applicable)
Dancing No 90 angles! Not an elimination of “our” dancing style Keep it appropriate Remember WHS is hosting the dance in a school setting. Please note you are not in a nightclub.
Dress Code Dresses must be a tasteful length with minimal side cutouts Tasteful strapless dresses are permitted Boys pants must cover all undergarments WHS dress code does apply to a degree Violations are case by case scenarios via teacher discretion
Any Questions? These rules need to be in place for dances to continue at WHS Students who hold offices at WHS have worked with administration to create these policies and procedures This policy was created with the intention of student safety