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Presentation transcript:

How would you answer this question? Who was Jesus? How would you answer this question?

Define the following terms: Jesus of History is not simply the historical Jesus but refers to the Son of God as he walked the earth in the person of Jesus. Christ of Faith recognizes the Christian conviction that the Jesus of history was raised from the dead by God and that he truly was and is Lord and Saviour.

The Historical Jesus vs. The Christ of Faith Jesus, the Christ Born to a virgin in a barn in Bethlehem Divine Son of God Messiah (Christ) Killed by the Jews Resurrected Savior Ascended into heaven Coming back Historical Jesus Born 4-7 BCE in Nazareth A carpenter’s son Born, raised, lived and died a Jew A wise, story telling teacher A miracle worker and healer A radical revolutionary Crucified at the hands of the Romans

Identify each of the following persons and summarize what they, as a group, contribute to a study of Jesus: Josephus Pliny the Younger Tacitus Suetonius

Josephus “Jewish Antiques” Book 18 Chapter 3: Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. (64) And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross [2], those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day [3], as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named for him, are not extinct at this day.

Pliny the Younger Provincial governor, wrote to Emperor Trajan in 112 A.D. He wrote concerning how to deal with Christians, who refused to worship the emperor, and instead worshiped “Christus”

Tacitus Roman historian and Senator (116 A.D.) : “Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus…”

Suetonius Secretary and historian to Emperor Hadrian (41-54 A.D.): As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [Christ], he [Claudius] expelled them from Rome.

Sources New Testament gospels: Other gospels Only two of them tell the birth story and report events in Jesus’ early life The synoptics vs. John Other gospels Non-Christian historians/authors Archeology Social & political history of the time

characteristics that history allows us to attribute to Jesus: Jesus was a human person Jesus was a Jew Jesus was of the tribe of Judah Jesus was a descendant of David Jesus’ mission was to the Jews Jesus was a teacher Jesus was tested Jesus prayed using the word Abba Jesus prayed for deliverance from death Jesus suffered

Jesus interpreted his last meal with reference to his death Jesus underwent a trial Jesus appeared before Pontius Pilate Jesus’ end involved some Jews Jesus was crucified Jesus was buried Jesus appeared to witnesses after his death10

The New Testament Gospels Written between 40 – 60 years after Jesus’ death Written in Greek (Jesus spoke Aramaic) Written from a perspective of faith (not an objective report of historical facts, but still contain historical information) Not the only gospels written Not canonized until 4th century

The Gospels and History Luke actually tells us his research techniques and his goal as historian: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us…Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. [Luke 1:1-4]

Religious Truth The Bible is OUR story. It reveals the truth. This truth is called RELIGIOUS TRUTH. The Bible reveals God’s love for us.

Religious Truth Cont’d It is not a scientific truth: EX: Genesis creation stories reveal to us that: God loves us so he created us in His image We are of the Earth (physical) and the Divine (spiritual) Our creation is good Genesis, along with scientific knowledge, ALL reveal, for Christians, the same truth- GOD LOVED US INTO BEING

The Problem Distinguishing between what Jesus said and did and what he is “said to have said” and done (as reported in the sources) – reading between the lines Reconciling Biblical scholarship (literary criticism, historical criticism) with faith

Historical Context Greek culture, philosophy & mystery Roman political power and religion Jewish religion: Sadducees: priests and temple Judaism Pharisees: rabbis and synagogue Judaism Esseans: ascetic and messianic Jewish movement Zealots: Jewish political revolutionaries Messianic hopefuls and followings

Jesus, the Jew Hebrew name: Yeshu’a (Joshua) Jewish from birth to death Circumcision and redemption of the first born (LK 2:21-24) Observing the Passover (as a youth and an adult) (LK 2:41-42, MT 26:17-19) Reading and teaching in the synagogue (LK 4:15- 22) The Greatest Commandment (based on Torah) (MK 12:28-31)

Jesus the Teacher (“rabbi”) Disciples and followers The Sermon on the Mount (MT ch. 5-7) Story telling (parables) (MT ch. 13) Themes: The Kingdom of God and the end-times The nature of God Forgiveness The power of faith (MT 17:19-20, MT 21:21) Imagery includes familiar settings and events: farming, fishing, herding, baking, business

Jesus the Miracle Worker & Faith Healer Did he really do Miracles? Did he really raise Lazarus from the dead? (JN 11:1-45) What about the little girl? (MT 9:18-26) And another dead man (LK 7:12-15) Casting out demons? (MK 5:1-20) Healing of Jews, Romans, Canaanites and Samaritans alike (JN 4:46-50, LK 7:2-10, MT 15:21-28) “Your faith has made you well” (MT 15:28, LK 17:19)

Jesus the Social and Religious Revolutionary Love over the “letter of the law” - mercy and compassion over ritual and rules (LK 14:1-6, Mk 2:23-28, MK 7:14-23) A threat and challenge to authority: Debates with Jewish religious authorities (MT 15:1- 12, MT 21:42-46, MK 3:1-6) Criticism of political and religious leaders (LK 13:10-17) A favorite among the underdogs of society – the masses, the little people

Who Killed Jesus & Why? Crucifixion: a common form of capital punishment for crimes against Rome (MK 15:27) Claim to be “king of the Jews” (MK 15:2-5, 16-18, 26) Role of Jewish authorities? (MK 14:10-11, 43-46) Saw Jesus as a threat to Jewish security under Roman power

Did Jesus Raise from the Dead? Is He Still Alive? The empty tomb: Was it empty? Was the body stolen? Was he not really dead? Did he ascend into heaven? Is he “seated at the right hand of God?” Will he “come again to judge the living and the dead?” A matter of faith, not history

Shroud of Turin Is this the Face of Jesus? today_people/t/shroud-turin-debate- rekindled/#.TrpqZGDEfx4

Questions for Reflection What was most surprising about the historical information? How does learning new historical information affect faith? What new insights do you have about Jesus and Christianity?

Resources on the Web The Jesus Seminar: Scholars seek to identify the historical words of Jesus within the Gospel passages From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians: PBS Frontline four hour series explores the life and death of Jesus and the development of Christianity during its first four centuries Pictures from: “Faces of Jesus” tml Original PowerPoint by Laura Ellen Shulman