English for Tax Administration 1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 3, 17 Oct 2017
Language and Law Unit 1 (cont.)
Language and Law What is Language for Specific Purposes? What makes legal language special in comparison to other LSPs? What are some of the features of legal English that make it particularly demanding?
Translate the following text Language for specific purposes is an approach to language teaching which responds to the specific needs of learners who use that language in a specific field of study or work. LSP is usually used by members of a particular profession, such as medical doctors, chemical, construction or mechanical engineers, but also artists, lawyers, economists, etc.
Translate the following text Jezik struke označava pristup poučavanju jezika koji odgovara na posebne potrebe učenika koji taj jezik koriste u određenom području izučavanja ili rada. Jezikom struke obično se služe pripadnici određenog zanimanja, kao što su liječnici, kemijski inženjeri, inženjeri građevine ili strojarstva, ali i umjetnici, pravnici, ekonomisti, itd.
Provide an example of the following: an archaism a borrowing a collocation an ordinary word with a special legal meaning a legal doublet a pro-form a passive sentence
Modal verbs What are these modal verbs used for in legal English: shall shall not must should may
Modal verbs What are these modal verbs used for in legal English: shall – a legal obligation shall not – a prohibition must – a requirement should – a recommendation may - permission
Translate the following terms legal rights and obligations prohibition requirement binding procedural and substantive provisions legislation treaty regulation permission
Translate the following terms legal rights and obligations – zakonska prava i obveze prohibition – zabrana requirement – zahtjev binding – obvezujući procedural and substantive provisions – procesne i materijalne odredbe legislation – zakonodavstvo, zakon(i) neke države treaty – međunarodni ugovor regulation – propis; uređenje permission – dopuštenje
Translate the text into Croatian A legal text, such as a contract or a regulation, imposes obligations and provides rights. It contains a number of provisions which have a binding force. In English, modal verbs are used to express rights and obligations. ‘Shall’ is used for obligations, ‘shall not’ for prohibitions, ‘may’ for permissions and rights. ‘Should’ expresses a recommendation so it is not suitable for legislative texts.
Translate the text into Croatian Pravni tekst, kao što je ugovor ili propis, propisuje obveze i prava. On sadrži niz odredbi koje imaju obvezujuću snagu. U engleskom jeziku, prava i obveze izražavaju se modalnim glagolima. ‘Shall’ se koristi za obveze, ‘shall not’ za zabrane, ‘may’ za dopuštenja i prava. Glagolom ‘should’ izražavaju se preporuke te stoga nije pogodan za zakonodavne tekstove.
The British Isles
History of English Answer the questions on p.8 and study the chart Who settled Britain before the Germanic invasions? Read the text on p. 9 and answer the questions in exercise III. (p. 8)
Thank you for your attention!