MARINE CASUALTY REPORTING Sector Houston-Galveston Investigations Division
Marine Casualties When to report? Make initial notification after the addressing of resultant safety concerns, contact the Coast Guard via VHF 16 through Vessel Traffic or call the Sector Houston-Galveston Command Center at (281) 464-4855 Written Report of Marine Casualty, CG Form - 2692 Have 5 calendar days to submit. Submit to Sector Houston-Galveston Investigations Via e-mail Fax (281) 464-4711
What Casualties are “Reportable” 1) Unintended groundings, or unintended allision with a bridge 2) An intended grounding, or an intended strike of a bridge, that creates a hazard to navigation 3) Loss of main propulsion, steering, or any associated component that reduces maneuverability 4) An occurrence that materially/adversely affects the vessel’s seaworthiness/fitness for service 5) Loss of life 6) An injury that requires professional medical treatment and if the person is engaged/employed on the vessel, renders them unfit to perform routine duties. 7) Property damage >$25K 8) Significant harm to the environment
Serious Marine Incidents Casualties that require the chemical testing of individuals directly involved in a serious marine incident. Those “whose order, action or failure to act is determined to be, or cannot be ruled out as a factor” These individuals must undergo: Alcohol testing within two hours, no later than eight D.O.T. Drug testing (Post Casualty) within thirty-two hours
Serious Marine Incidents Are marine casualties that result in: One or more deaths An injury to a crewmember, requiring medical treatment beyond first aid / renders unfit for duty Damage >$100K Actual/Constructive total loss of any self propelled vessel Discharge of oil > 10,000 gallons Discharge of a reportable quantity (RQ) of hazardous substance.
Reporting Forms CG-2692 - Report of Marine Casualty Required to document reportable casualties CG-2692 A – Barge Addendum To report data for multiple barges CG-2692 B – Report of Required Chemical Drug & Alcohol Testing Required to document testing after a Serious Marine Incident
CG-2692 A
CG-2692 B
Thank you for your time and attention!!! Any Questions??? Lieutenant Peter Fransson Sector Houston-Galveston Investigations Division (281) 464-4707