MacroAlgae Seaweed to you and me
aka Pneumatocyst Thallus
The whole Thallus photosynthesizes Stipe - holds up blades Blades – more surface area for photosynthesis Holdfast – holds thallus to substrate Pneumatocyst – gas filled float to keep the seaweed buoyant.
Macroalgae structures Similar to plant structures NO specialized water and food transport tissues - no xylem (carries water from roots to leaves in plants) - no phloem (carries food down from leaves to roots in plants) But.....
3 Divisions (phyla) Macroalgae Grouped based on Color (Pigments)
Macroalgae Chlorophyta- Green Phaeophyta- Brown Rhodophyta - Red Closely related to plants Chlorophyll a and b, caretenoids Phaeophyta- Brown Chlorophyll a and c, fucoxanthin, etc. Rhodophyta - Red Chlorophyll a, phycobilins (phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, etc.)
Chlorophyta – GREEN MACRO ALGAE Ulva fasciata Commonly Known as Sea Lettuce
Caulerpa taxifolia
Halimeda incrassata
Phaeophyta- Brown Macro Algae Dictyota spp.
Padina spp.
Turbinaria ornata
Macrocystis sp. - giant kelp -kelp forests off California coast Although green in color. It is classed by his pigments
Seaweed Uses Agar and carageenan are important phycocolloids Agar (RED)- used in Petri dishes,also used in things such as icings, canned meets, or as a clarifying agent in beers and wines Carrageenan (RED)– used in Ice cream and puddings as an emulisifier, It is also commonly used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics Algin (BROWN)- help in the creation of rubbers and textiles, and the salts from algins make a clear thin film used commonly as a thickener as used in soups or sauces.
Rhodophyta –Red Macro Algae Reds may not look red – often pigments masked by other pigments Liagora spp.
Pterocladiella Chondrus
Turf Algae Carpet of algae made up of many different species Our living rock is a living example Carpet of algae made up of many different species
Coralline Algae strengthens tissues w/ Ca2+ – decreases predation – important for adding Ca2+ to reef
Another name for seaweed is Macroalgae PhytoAlagae Zooplankton Turf Alagae
Which part of the MAcroalgae photosynthesizes? Frond Holdfast Stamen Thallus
Macro Algae is group by Size Shape Color Food Source
Which is NOT a color of Macro Algae? Red Green Black Brown