The Great Barrier Reef
Brief Introduction The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁), one of Austrealia's most remarkable natural gifts, is blessed with the breathtaking of the world's largest coral reef and one of the seven wonders of the natural world.
Location The Great Barrier Reef stretches more than 2,000 kilometres along the Queensland coast, the east coast of Australia, from the mainland towns of Port Douglas to Bundaberg. The Great Barrier Reef system consists of more than 3000 reefs which range in size from 1 hectare(公顷) to over 10,000 .
The most romantic place Heart island Looking over from the top,you'll find its shape is a natural heart.Moreover,the scenery there is more wonderful and fascinating because of the color of pure blue. There are lots of beautiful love stories about the heart island.
Let's go Australia will give its heart to you
Tour The best way to experience the magic and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef is to experience and enjoy it underwater. There,you can see many beautiful things such as:marine animals,the reef and so on.
Marine Animals So diffrent from the lives we see at the land...
The great barrier reef sea area is living about 1500 kind of tropics marine fishes, more famous tropics watching fish for angel fish, parrot fish.There is also about 4000 kinds of the mollusk【软体动物】 and other marine lives, such as : Trepang海参, sunstar海星, sea anemone海葵, jellyfish水母, tube insect管虫, shrimp虾.
The great barrier reef is composed of 400 many kinds of gorgeous coral, the modelling is differ in thousands of ways, the barrier reef submerges in majority of the water, when ebb tide slightly reveals the reef to go against. Here is living many and varied live coral, its secretion and other materials constituted today's coral reef. What building is so huge “the project” is the diameter has several millimeter coelenterate - - coral polyp In the great barrier reef group, the color variegated coral reef has, the pink color, the green, the purple, the yellow red. The shape is differ in thousands of ways, forms a natural artistic drawing.
since coral reefs are also in shallow water, you can actually see them from above the water! All along the Great Barrier Reef, the color of the coral reef changes as does the color of the water, which varies from a green to a blue color.
The great barrier reef