Tim Wright, Public Health Portfolio Lead In for a penny, in for a pound: tackling cold related ill health in County Durham Tim Wright, Public Health Portfolio Lead
Overview Context Background Warm & healthy homes Strenghts/weknesses What next?
Context Excess winter deaths index of 19, 314 people. Not significantly different to England average 22.7% children in poverty (sig.worse than England) Disease prevalence by CCG is 20% greater than England for CHD, Stroke/TIA, COPD, LDs’
Context (cont’d) Housing stock condition 100 communities off gas network
Background History early 2000s’ LAs’/NHS NRF 2008 ‘Rights to Warmth’/Hotspots’ (early adopter of model of NG6). Durham Dales ICO, 2009-11. DH Warm & Healthy Homes funding. NEPHO baseline (2009) and 2 year follow up reports, (2011) NEA evaluation of Hotspots, 2013 DECC Health booster fund
Warm & healthy homes Reduce numbers of excess winter deaths Reduce hospital emergency admissions Improve the health and wellbeing of clients living in a cold, damp home Provide warmer homes, lower fuel bills Reduce levels of fuel poverty
Warm & healthy homes (cont’) Eligibility criteria Training/briefing of health/social care staff. Menu of options Annual report 2015/16
Warm & healthy homes Warm and Health Homes 2015-16 Total Referrals made by health practitioners, social care staff and partner organisations 193 Numbers of referrals who received energy advice Number of households who received energy efficiency measures 98 Number of homes insulated funded by Warm Up North 3 Numbers of benefit checks 43 Number of fire safety checks 37 Articles of media coverage generated 9 User satisfaction surveys completed 59 SAP energy assessment 100%
Strengths Programme consistency Well targeted Strategically embedded Advocates who push agenda Engaged in national pilots eg ICO Dales/ funding bids Cyclical feedback system Utilisation of MECC
Weaknesses Targeted intervention ? Scale Outputs v outcomes Small investment Little CCG recognition/engagement Not embedded into patient pathways. Not promoted extensively Tinkering at the edges
What next? More robust links with primary care. Targeted programme eg South Hetton. Piggyback onto social prescribing. ? Outcome based commissioning. Loan based system Private rented sector Registered providers FUSE supported seminar March 2017