CIIMS Proposal for TOP-003 Approach Stacen Tyskiewicz WECC CIIMS Chair March 22, 2016
TOP-003 New reliability standard TOP-003-3 becomes effective on January 1, 2017 with a stated purpose of ensuring that TOPs and BAs have data needed to fulfill their operational and planning responsibilities. Proposal: Collaborate on a common approach for each TOP and BA within WECC to consider while implementing compliance with TOP-003. Purpose: To offer solutions that help us all manage these data requests most efficiently and effectively.
Requirements 1 & 2: Document Specification Requirements 1 and 2 direct each TOP and BA to maintain a documented specification for the data necessary for it to perform its analysis functions and real‐time monitoring. Recommendation: Each entity will start with the data request specification developed by Peak RC and refine it to address its own needs. This will likely include narrowing the scope from “all BES equipment” to just that needed by the requesting entity. Given that the starting point is a comprehensive list that Peak RC has matured over the years, it’s unlikely that new items will need to be added, but additions can be made as needed. Benefits: Takes advantage of lessons learned on what should be included in the request and details about submittal methods Keeps formatting and vocabulary consistent across all requests to minimize confusion Facilitates keeping all TOPs and BAs in-sync as data needs evolve over the years
Requirements 3 & 4: Distribute Specification Requirements 3 and 4 direct each TOP and BA to distribute its data specification to entities that have data required to perform its analysis functions and Real‐time monitoring. Recommendations: Each entity will post its version of the TOP-003 data request specification to a location on Peak RC’s secure website. It may be necessary to use some other means as well to track receipt, but an effort will be made to accommodate the necessary tracking on the Peak RC site. To address one of the big challenges that Peak RC has had with IRO-010, a centralized list of entity points-of-contact will also be posted on this site. Benefits: All data requests can be found on one site All points-of-contact can be found on one site; changing a p.o.c. will require an update in one location rather than with each separate data-sharing partner. If tracking receipt can be accommodated on the site, this centralized approach is an improvement over numerous emails.
Requirement 5: Satisfy Specification Requirement 5 directs registered entities receiving a TOP-003 data specification to satisfy the obligations of the documented specification using a mutually agreeable format, process and security protocol. Recommendation: Entities will share data directly, or through Peak RC, or some combination of those approaches. Additionally, we will explore possibilities for tracking and/or providing evidence of meeting this requirement. We envision most BAs and TOPs receiving numerous data specifications and our goal is to provide a centralized and secure location for the data to be posted so that it has, with one effort, been made available to all requesting entities. Benefits: Secure location for file exchange Potentially offers a convenient and consistent approach for tracking fulfillment of this requirement. Note: In addition to TOPs and BAs, Requirement 5 applies to entities registered as a TO, GO, GOP, LSE, and DP. Fulfillment of requests by those entities will likely need to be handled using a separate process.
Other Considerations In addition to the topics covered by previous slides, the team will consider the following while developing the proposal: Ongoing maintenance of data specifications Connection with Peak RC Universal Data-Sharing Agreement (UDSA) Data retention (on Peak RC site) Documentation of agreement by participating entities and/or agreement from WECC compliance staff that the proposal is an approved practice within the Western Interconnect. Other topics as suggested by participating entities
(CIIMS/EMSWG/DEWG Meetings) Timeline December 2015 Initial outreach to EMSWG/DEWG members; ask Peak RC for support February 2016 (CIIMS/EMSWG/DEWG Meetings) Brainstorm/draft high level proposal March 2016 (OC Meeting) Present proposal to OC March – June 2016 Collaborate (emails, Webinar, meetings?) to build out proposal June 2016 Finalize proposal July 2016 Update OC on progress July – October 2016 Implement processes October 2016 Check implementation status; address issues January 1, 2017 All WECC entities compliant with R1-R4 April 1, 2017 All WECC entities compliant with R5
What are we asking from TOPs and BAs at this time? Encourage your EMSWG and DEWG members to participate Review and provide feedback on the proposals developed Consider adopting the recommendations in your implementation of TOP-003-3