WFSA E-Safety Guidance for Parents and Carers The Virtual World is a big part of your child’s reality! 91% of 8-11 Year olds have gaming devices 78% of 5-7 Year olds Have access to gaming devices. WFSA E-Safety Guidance for Parents and Carers 8-11 Year old spend 9.2hrs online every week 5-7 Year old spend 6.5hrs online every week 91% of 8-11 Year old have access to the internet 88% 5-7 Year old have access to the internet
What is e-safety and why should we worry? E-safety is a term which means using electronic media to communicate and explore in a safe way to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies. The internet and online technologies are now a fundamental part of school and family life; however they can also present a number of challenges. Therefore it is important that our pupils gain an awareness of how to limit these risks and be safe online at school and in their home.
Risks they may encounter online Some of the ways your child may communicate on electronic devices Xbox and Play Station Gaming Online Games e.g. Minecraft, Moshi Monsters, Club Penguin Skype Facebook/Twitter Mobile Phones Blogging Instagram Access to inappropriate or illegal content Unwanted contact Cyber-bullying Sharing personal information Grooming Digital footprint
Child Exploitation and Online Protection- CEOP At WFSA staff have undergone CEOP training to ensure our server is secure and our pupils know how to stay safe online in school; we hope their knowledge of this extends within the home. With your awareness of e-safety guidance and being aware of your child’s activity online we together can be sure to minimise the risks of communicating online. Here is a short film to demonstrate how personal information can be easily accessed. Jigsaw
Top Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe Online Talk to your child about what they are doing online Keep up to date with your child’s development online Use parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones. Set boundaries about the online world in the real world Know your child’s usernames and passwords for online activities Follow age guidance on gaming technologies Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space Know what connects to the internet and how Know what to do if something goes wrong Show your child how to get help For more advice and information go to: