INTRODUCTION The prospect of obtaining enough fertilizers to meet the requirement of the teeming farming population has necessitated the use of organic manures (ruminant dung, poultry droppings, household refuse and effluents) for crop production The use of inorganic fertilizer alone is not only expensive but also inefficient, organic manure not only supply nutrient element through microbial activities but also help in improving the soil physical properties.
Evidences indicate that by a judicious application of this waste in agriculture one could maintain a high level of soil fertility. The use of organic wastes as biofertilizers has necessitated many studies aimed at evaluating the fertilizing value of these products, to ascertain their potentials in improving soil fertility. The inventory of urban and industrial wastes in Nigeria, as compiled by Sridar (2006) showed that millions of tons of industrial, domestic and animal wastes so produced annually in the country are not effectively utilized whereas these wastes can be utilized effectively for agriculture.
Also Nwanta et al., (2010) observed that a total of 194 kg of solid (rumen/stomach) wastes was generated daily in Nsukka abattoir. Hence the objective of this study is to determine the effects of abattoir waste on the physical and chemical properties of soils from two different locations (Ugbawka in Nkanu East L.G.A and Opi in Nsukka L.G.A) in Enugu state.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area The experiment was carried out at the Green house of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Soil Sample Collection Soil samples were collected from two locations: Opi in Nsukka local government area and Ugbawka in Nkanu-east local government area both in Enugu state.
Abattoir Waste Collection and Incubation Period The abattoir waste (solid waste) was collected from the paunch content of cattles, from Nsukka abattoir. 1kg of soil was measured and treated with the waste at the rates of 0g, 50g, 100g, and 150g this was done for each location. Each of the treatments was replicated 3 times. The treated soil samples were kept moist with distilled water during the 5 weeks duration of the experiment. Laboratory Studies Physical Properties Particle size distribution Clay dispersion ratio Dispersion ratio water stable aggregate
Chemical Properties Soil pH organic carbon/Organic matter Total nitrogen Exchangeable base exchangeable acidity effective cation exchangeable capacity Statistical analysis All data collected was analyzed statistically based on the procedures for a factorial in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Experiment using Genstat package.
Table: 1 Chemical Properties of Abattoir Waste RESULT AND DISCUSSION Table: 1 Chemical Properties of Abattoir Waste Parameter Value pH 7.7 OC % 28.15 TN % 0.023 Na+ cmol/kg 24.21 K+ cmol/kg 28.68 Ca2+ cmol/kg 3.2 Mg2+ cmol/kg 4.6 Al3+ cmol/kg 0.00 H+ cmol/kg 33.46
TABLE 2: INITIAL SOIL PROPERTIES Parameters Location Ugbawka Opi PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Clay (%) 4 20 Silt (%) 8 T.sand (%) 88 76 Textural Class Loamy Sand Sandy Clay Loam WD Clay (%) 1 10 WD Silt (%) DR 0.84 0.77 CDR 0.25 0.5 MWD (mm) 0.29 0.47 AS (%) 25 53
Parameters Location Ugbawka Opi CHEMICAL PROPERTIES pH 5.0 3.1 OC (%) 0.65 0.54 OM (%) 1.12 0.93 TN (%) 0.007 0.011 Na+ (cmol/kg) 0.24 0.22 K+(cmol/kg) 0.63 0.39 Ca2+(cmol/kg) 4.4 1.2 Mg2+(cmol/kg) 2.0 2.4 Al3+(cmol/kg) 0.0 0.8 H+(cmol/kg) CEC(cmol/kg) 10.0 6.4
TABLE 3: EFFECT OF ABATTOIR WASTE ON PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Location LAP Clay% Silt % T. Sand % Textural Class Ugbawka 4 8 88 Loamy sand 50 5 7 Loamy Sand 100 150 Opi 20 76 Sandy clay loam 6 74 22 Sandy Clay Loam 10 70 L.S.D (0.05) Location X LAP 0.000 0.790 1.117 1.580 0.500 0.707 0.999
TABLE 4: EFFECT OF ABATTOIR WASTE ON WATER-DISPERSIBLE PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Location LAP WD Clay% WD Silt % DR CDR Ugbwka 1 8 0.72 0.25 50 0.70 100 3 7 0.75 150 9 0.67 Opi 12 0.76 0.45 10 0.5 13 0.84 0.93 14 6 1.0 L.S.D(0.05) Lap Location x Lap 0.065 0.901 1.274 1.457 2.060 2.914 0.092 0.130 0.061 0.086 0.122
TABLE 5: EFFECT OF ABATTOIR WASTE ON %WATER-STABLE AGGREGATE, MWD AND AGGREGATE STABILITY Location LAP >2 mm 2-1 mm 1-0.5 mm 0.5-0.25 mm <0.25 mm MWD mm AS % Ugbawka 0.32 4.22 10.55 15.92 68.99 0.30 25.67 50 7.91 13.90 15.67 20.90 41.63 0.67 100 21.04 14.56 12.52 15.93 35.95 1.12 61.3 150 21.73 15.16 10.41 11.44 26.92 1.60 66.3 Opi 0.28 6.15 25.19 33.61 34.77 0.49 54.7 7.98 15.29 28.25 25.59 22.89 0.84 69.3 26.55 18.65 18.53 16.77 19.49 1.40 72.7 34.26 13.99 14.49 12.79 20.24 1.75 75.3 L.S.D(0.05) Lap Location x lap 4.92 6.96 9.85 2.521 3.565 5.041 2.746 3.884 5.492 2.775 3.925 5.550 4.149 5.868 8.298 0.153 0.217 0.307 4.550 6.440 9.100
TABLE 6 (a): EFFECT OF ABATTOIR WASTE ON CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Location LAP pH OC % OM % TN % Ugbawka 5.2 0.54 0.92 0.007 50 6.4 1.25 2.16 0.013 100 7.0 1.74 3.00 0.020 150 7.5 2.12 3.63 0.016 Opi 3.0 0.57 0.97 0.010 5.8 1.38 2.38 0.014 6.6 1.76 3.03 0.018 7.1 2.30 4.29 Lap Location x lap 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.145 0.205 0.289 0.207 0.293 0.415 0.0023 0.0032 0.0045
TABLE 6 (b): EFFECT OF ABATTOIR WASTE ON CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (2) Location LAP Na+ cmol/kg K+ cmol/kg Ca2+ cmol/kg Mg2+ cmol/kg Al3+ cmol/kg H+ cmol/kg CEC cmol/kg Ugbawka 0.24 0.70 4.2 1.6 0.0 1.9 9.2 50 1.18 2.01 4.7 1.7 10.9 100 2.18 2.94 4.0 1.8 1.5 12.1 150 2.75 3.35 4.1 1.4 12.3 Opi 0.22 0.30 3.7 7.2 2.62 1.62 2.1 1.0 2.3 11.1 3.47 2.46 1.1 2.2 14.3 4.39 4.31 14.9 Lap Location x lap 0.208 0.294 0.416 0.116 0.164 0.231 0.312 0.441 0.624 0.502 0.710 1.004 0.255 0.360 0.510 0.310 0.438 0.619 0.665 0.940 1.330
CONCLUSION Abattoir waste significantly increased the mean weight diameter (MWD), aggregate stability (AS), soil pH, total nitrogen (TN), exchangeable bases, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and organic matter content. It had no significant effect on the texture, Finally it significantly reduced the exchangeable acid of the soils. Abattoir waste is recommended to improve the physico-chemical properties of the soils. For better crop productivity a combination of abattoir waste and inorganic fertilizer is recommended.