Jicama ---AKA--- Mexican potato Mexican yam bean Chinese turnip Chinese potato Ahipa Saa got Lo bok
It has roots Native to Latin America Domesticated by Aztecs Dietary staple Attractive plant ‘Edible roots’ 40 pounds
It travels Spanish traders Malaysia Thailand Singapore
It’s readily available Available year-round Long shelf life Fairly inexpensive
It’s extremely nutritious Very Lo-cal Fat-free Low sodium Lots of Vitamin C Low sugar content Serving Size (60g) Calories 25 Calories from Fat 0 Total Fat 0g Sodium 0mg Cholesterol 0mg Total Carb. 5g 2% Fiber 3g 12% Sugars 1g Protein 0g Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 20% Calcium 0% Iron 2%
…And it’s versatile Eat it: -Raw -Steamed -Braised -Boiled -Deep-fried -Baked -Steamed -Braised -Boiled -Deep-fried -Stir-fried -Grilled -Thickening agent
You’ll find it… In the US in Southwestern cuisine US produce markets Latin American and Asian demand In fusion cuisine Catching on in US & European restaurants
So… What political issues can you identify? What other foods have similar issues?