Howard County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team DVFRT Amy e. hott, Chair DVFRT, Assistant State’s Attorney for Howard County
What is the DVFRT? Mission : To attempt to reduce domestic violence, specifically domestic related fatalities and near fatalities in our County through multi-disciplinary review of our response to domestic violence in our community Established November 2007 Multi-disciplinary model Goal is systemic changes, as well as addressing training and procedural issues
What is the Authorization for DVFRT? Family Law Article Title 4, Subsection 7 “Local Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams” § 4-702 Authorizes establishment of team and organizing agencies § 4-703 Sets out membership § 4-704 Establishes the purpose and method of operation and scope of review § 4-705 Authorizes mandatory access to records § 4-706 Authorizes closed meetings when discussing cases § 4-707 Authorizes confidentiality and protection from civil and criminal proceedings CJ § 5-637.1 Allows for protection from liability
Membership Who sits on our multi-disciplinary Team: Howard County State’s Attorney’s Office Howard County Police Department Howard County Sheriff’s Office Howard County Department of Health Department of Social Services HopeWorks Mental Health Authority Howard County General Hospital Maryland State Police Howard County Public Schools Grassroots Organization Division of Parole and Probation
What is the Methodology? Step One: Case Selection- Team members present possible cases for review and Team decides as a group What is the criteria? The case must involve a Domestic homicide, Domestic suicide or DV case involving a serious/near fatal injury Case must be concluded in Court 2013 – Discussion was on a DV fatality where children were involved 2014 – Discussion was on a DV fatality of a homeless victim with mental health and substance abuse issues 2015 – Discussion was on a near-fatality case involving elder issues 2016-2017 Discussion has been on two cases involving death by suicide by two DV victims
Review Process Step Two: Chair provides names of victim and perpetrator, as well as all identifying information to all of the Team members. Step Three: All Team members gather any and all information their agencies possess on both parties. This information is provided to the Chair of DVFRT Permitted to access confidential files Can request information from agencies not on Team Agreement with local hospitals for access to records
Review Process Step Four: Timeline is constructed using the materials retrieved Active discussion about process and members identify potential issues and points of intervention Interviews of Family members possible Presentation from mother of DV victim who died as a result of suicide
Prepare DVFRT Recommendations and Annual Report What is the last step? Prepare DVFRT Recommendations and Annual Report Prepare Recommendations based on identified issues and points of intervention Sent to the head of every participating agency, County Executive and County Council Attempt implementation of Recommendations
Recommendations Accomplishments 2013 Recommendations - Created a resource/contact letter that is sent by the Sheriff’s Office to the Petitioner in all DV cases near the conclusion of the Protective Order time period In an effort to increase contact with DV victims throughout the process. Prepared a Resource Guide for New Caretakers to be used in situations where an adult is given custody of a child. Presently being used by HCPD and other agencies. Instituted protocol for HCPSS to receive final Protective Orders when the school is listed as a restricted address. 2014 Recommendations - Increased resources available for DV victims at Grassroots Day Resource Center Provided training through HopeWorks and HCPD to Grassroots volunteers on DV related issues 2015 Recommendations - Increased the availability of DV-related information specific to elder abuse at the Office of Aging 50+ expo and at the Office of the State’s Attorney
How do we move our Recommendations forward? Moving forward How do we move our Recommendations forward? Support from County Executive Support from County Council Support from Agency heads