Words that move (sometimes)! Verbs Words that move (sometimes)!
Types of verbs Action verbs – show action and can be done by someone or something Ex. – run, jump, burp
HELPing Verbs. These work with action verbs and create a verb phrase Do you know the helping verb song?? Have has had am Are is was were Be being been do Does did will would Shall should can could May might must
Verb Phrases cont’d Ex. I should have studied for the test. If you have a negative (not, never, n’t) then don’t include it in the verb phrase I won’t buy any candy today. Verb phrase – will buy
Linking Verbs These verbs link a noun or pronoun near the beginning of the sentence with another word later in the sentence LV’s include am, are, is, was, were, seems, appears, becomes, feels Ex. The girl was the winner of the race. Ex. The puppy seems gentle. NOTE: You have to look at how some verbs are being used…appears can also be action! The ghost appeared in the window.
PA’s and PN’s (Predicate Adjective and Predicate Nouns!) These are adjectives or nouns that come after a linking verb and describe or rename the subject Ex. That hamburger was delicious! Predicate Adjective (PA) - delicious The winning student is a girl. Predicate Noun (PN) – girl How do you tell the difference?
Now let’s practice! Write a simple sentence with a LV and a PA
Now, make that sentence Compound! What should you add? How should it be punctuated?
Now try a LV and a PN
Again with the PN – make it a COMPLEX sentence though!
Last one…write either a PA or PN but label it for me.
Now sentence with BOTH a PA and a PN…one in each clause.
Final challenge! Complex sentence with a PA OR a PN plus an adjective clause OR an adverb clause! #thisistough