Inequality: Women and Femininities Chapter 7 “Somehow, Cheerleading is simultaneously both masculine and feminine”…The Theme of this Chapter
Women and Gender Gendered Socialization-Little girls and gender socialization=androcentric? In many ways, the daily lives of women are much less constrained than those of men…??? Measured by the scope of gender rules, the life options of women in contemporary western societies are more open than men's… …but there is a catch
The Model Woman and Balancing Gendered Behaviors Performing the Feminine apologetic Barbie, CEO’s, and Athletes Doing More, Winning Less Femininity is disparaged “Doing Powerlessness” Benevolent Sexism The attribution of positive traits that serve to justify subordination of women Emotional=Weak; Nurturer=dependent on another economically; small and delicate=weak and dependent Hegemonic masculinity>Hegemonic femininity pg 148-149
When Being a Woman is Dangerous Hostile sexism Benevolent and hostile sexism work together… The feminine apologetic and sexual harassment Sexual assault rates and stats Catch 22: When are women and men who are abused most in danger? Why does hostile sexism occur?
Bargaining with Patriarchy Men tend to have one Bargain: Do hegemonic masculinity. For women, there are three main ways to bargain with Patriarchy: Emphasized Femininity: Trading Power for Protection; A exaggerated form of femininity oriented to accommodating the interests and desires of men. House wives and Lovely Companions=dependent Emphatic Sameness: Being “just one of the guys” Performing masculinity to fit in and gain power, yet maintaining power in masculinity Gender Equivocation: Alternating between both other strategies when useful and culturally accepted Serena’s Patriarchal Bargain: damned-if-you-dont/ In this video, , How and why is This pop singer using gender equivocation. Would a male pop singer “do it like a chick” to sell albums and discuss gender dynamics? What would happen if she didn’t simultaneously do fem and masc?
The Double Bind A situation in which cultural expectations are contradictory. To be powerful is to fail as a woman, and to succeed as a woman is to give up power…Examples? Caster Semenya vs Anna Kournikova Is a woman who does not have or refuses to have children a “real women?” Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin MissRepresentation Clip
Feminism The belief that all men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Used to describe efforts to free both men and women from harmful and oppressive gender stereotypes Many Feminists argue that it is not just about women’s freedom and righst and opportunities, but about men’s as well Modern Feminists focus on intersectionality, and generally, target the matrix of domination, and in doing so target a wide range of injustices The Stalled Revolution: A sweeping change in gender relations stuck halfway through Men are limited individually with narrower life options; Women have more individual options, but are disadvantaged as a group because femininity is still less valued than masculinity Clip From MissRepresentation: Feminism and progress stalled… Quote 159-160