What it means to be human Sci-fi/fantasy literature
Robots & Humanity: Day 2 Ground Control to Major Tom: there is no happiness on earth. David Bowie died. Agenda Differences between humanity and robots Motifs in film A.I. Artificial Intelligence
What would a machine require to be human/sentient?
A.I. Artificial Intelligence Two of the greatest directors in film history had a hand in this film: Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg . Kubrick had the idea, but thought that the film would thrive better with Spielberg’s aesthetic (his style/voice), and so asked Spielberg to take the project on. Stanley Kubrick: Steven Spielberg: 2001: A Space Odyssey Saving Private Ryan The Shining Schindler’s List Jurassic Park A Clockwork Orange Indiana Jones movies Dr. Strangelove E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Full Metal Jacket
Motifs in A.I. Artificial Intelligence Motif definition : a recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of art. A motif is important because it allows one to see main points and themes that the author is trying to express, in order that one might be able to interpret the work more accurately. There are four Motifs throughout A.I. Artificial Intelligence that I would like you to pay attention to as you see the movie. Layered Faces Circular Framing Character Doubles Circular Narrative
A.I. Artificial Intelligence-A Visual Study As you watch these clips, I want you to define each motif on your worksheet and think about how the motif could be used to humanize a robot. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVG1hlGkfxE Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFkoFRk8LyE
How motifs might be used to humanize the robots Layered Faces Character Doubles Circular Framing Circular Narrative
Watching A.I. Artificial Intelligence As you watch A.I. Artificial Intelligence, take notes on what Spielberg says about what it means to be human by taking two of the requirements that we discussed at the beginning of class.